Sunday, June 2, 2019

Oedipus And Othello :: Compare Contrast Oediput Othello Essays

Oedipus and OthelloWhen comparing and contrasting the characters Oedipus and Othello bymeans of the different theatrical practices, one must take in account that therehave been many interpretations, and productions of each of their respected plays.The differing presentations of each may lead someone to think differently almostthe play than another would. In comparing and contrasting the dramaticrepresentation of the protagonists Oedipus and Othello, theatrical presentation,costume design, and character will lead the reader, and viewer, to have a great insight into the theatrical practices of their times and theirapproaches to the issue of verisimilitude.The theatrical presentation of both plays are very similar. The twoplays would both be presented on a choke up stage, which is a platform surroundedon three sides by the audience. Except for the backdrop which would have someelement of scenery, the stage itself would be bare obscure from a few scenicelements and props. Othello, li ke most of Shakespeares plays, had what iscalled an abstract setting. That is a setting in which the locale may changerapidly, it may not be indicated by the script that it has changed, and was mostlikely suggested by a few props. Abstract settings place more emphasis on thelanguage and the performer, which ca utilizations the spectator to use their imagination.It also places more emphasis on costuming. This type of setting helped set upthe style of representational theater, which places high emphasis on therealistic. The style utilize in classical Greece was presentational which, becauseof the use of the mask, gave no illusion that this story is happening beforetheir eyes. The audience is reminded that they are watching a play, and not that observing life. Thus, the use of the thrust stage is the only similarityof the two types of presentation. Othello is a purely illusionistic play,whereas Oedipus Rex is one that when watched, the viewer knows that they arewatching a performance. Costumes bestow information about the character and aid in setting thetone or mood of the production. Because most acting involves impersonation,most costumes are essential to renovate historical or to the period in whichthe production takes place. Costumes like that of William Shakespeares Othellomaybe abstract, ever-changing, like its setting. When using the costume designof the latest film version of Othello, he is usually seen in a toga-like uniformwhich may have stemmed from his moor background. Since costume elements wereformalized in classical Greek theater, the costumes would be that of day-after-daydress with slight additions of colour, designs, all of which created a larger

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