Thursday, May 30, 2019
Free Macbeth Essays: Atmosphere and Setting :: Free Essay Writer
Atmosphere and Setting in Macbeth Atmosphere and setting plys a truly important develop in Macbeth.The knead starts with the Witches, which is at a desolate place withthunder and lightning. This is first of all a pathetic fallacy becauseof the brave out being so bad and the hideous appearance of the witches.This scene also gives us the first sign of the apparitional. Thewitches are the man source of the evil and supernatural in the play andthey also give an impression of fear, horror and mystery. It isimportant of them to start the play, as they are the catalysts for allMacbeths decisions, so obviously they effect the play quite a lot.They can foretell the future, defy the laws of nature and change theweather. But their powers are ambiguous they have to answer to Hecate. They canturn into animals only if when one of them turns into a rat it has no tail,showing their flawed power. They also cant make Macbeth kill Duncanthey just create an atmosphere, manipulating hi m, which makes him wantto kill him.They use animals to fire the atmosphere and amplify their evil,unnatural state.Shakespeare doesnt just use animals to show the evil of the Witches healso uses animals to convey the state of the country, ie, when thehorses eat each other aft(prenominal) Duncan has been killed. This shows thatScotland is in a state of disorder.The witches also speak in riddles, fair is foul and foul is fair whichgives the play an uneasy atmosphere, as does their language relationshipstrangled babes. The Witches mainly give the play an uneasy feelbecause they are violating Gods natural order.Noise also gives quite a tense atmosphere in the play. When Macbethgoes to kill Duncan, Lady Macbeth hears a knell (a traditional funeralbell), an owl shriek and crickets cry. These are all signs of death andit makes Macbeth think that more people know just about what Macbeth hasdone. Also when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are talking after the murder,there is a knocking which giv es a very uneasy and tense feel.Also as the play goes on, Macbeth becomes very paranoid about any noiseand it makes the play very tense.Colour does play a role in setting the atmosphere exactly only in one or twoof the scenes. Red, of course is very important because of the amountof blood in the play. It also plays a big part because both Macbeth andLady Macbeth talk about the red misty hell.Linked with colour is the important use of light and dark ni the play to
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