Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Transculture Final Essay Example for Free
Transculture Final Essay The movie Hotel Rwanda focuses on the story of a man named Paul Rusesabagina, a manager of a European-owned hotel in Rwanda. By creating a seret refuge camp in the hotel, Rusesabagina was able to help save the lives of 1, 200 Tutsis from the Hutus during the brutal genocide in 1994. The gist of the film is depicted in the underlying genius of how the film was able to portray a hellish event without using too much distressing scenes just to be able to show the audience the brutality of the genocide, the narrative of political criticism and comments from the lines spoken by the artists served as a replacement for these scenes leaving it to one’s imagination on how severe the true event was. Many social issues were touched in the film. For one, the indifference of the West towards the African lives is believed to be the reason behind the genocide. (Theis, 2004). Another is that the social structure as to who should be on top and who should have the power is discussed all through out the film since the genocide was planned by the Hutus long before to take in effect the â€Å"one man-one vote†which served as an opportunity for them to kill as many Tutsi Christians. (â€Å"Hotel Rwanda†), this is not only in a political sense but in a religious perspective as well. Many of these issues exist not only in Africa but also in other countries which remain unresolved.            One of the most straining parts of the movie is the presence of the peacekeepers and their inability to intervene because they were told not to and this makes the situation more devastating for the hopeful Tutsi. The tension showed in the film address the inability of some to be able to help in giving out solutions to the problem even if it already requires personal judgment. What really makes me uncomfortable is the inequality shown in the film and the brutal solutions done. It is also frustrating to see that while most of the foreign nationals were saved from the holocaust many of the Tutsi are left hoping to be saved by the intervention of others and relying only in the abilities of one man.            This film allowed me to reflect more on my social responsibilities the way it has challenged Paul to help his family and still be able continue to saving lives of others without questioning personal judgment. Moreover, the film was able to show me how one man can make a difference during desperate times and create measures that may appear as inevitable to others. References Theis, P. 2004. Hero. Off Off Off.  Retrieved June 18, 2008 from http://www.offoffoff.com/film/2004/hotelrwanda.php Hotel Rwanda. Frontline Fellowship. Retrieved June 18, 2008 from http://www.frontline.org.za/articles/hotel_rwanda.htm
Monday, January 20, 2020
Music Diaries :: essays research papers
The Beatles      I enjoyed the music of The Beatles. I felt that their songs were fun and uplifting. They had enjoyable beats and were easy to dance and listen to. Listening to their music didn?t put me to sleep. That is a good thing. They didn?t always have to have a meaning behind their music. Some of the songs that they wrote were just a result of them screwing around.      The one thing that I did notice was that I could understand every word they were singing in their songs. That is another reason that I enjoyed their music so much. There have been many groups in the past, and there are many groups today that don?t know how to make music. All they can do is make racket and scream into a microphone.      There were a couple of Beatles songs that did have a very serious meaning and others that were just about drugs and good times. Unless you were sitting down and really analyzing their music you were not able to figure out that they were singing about drugs. After they met Dylan there music did make a drastic change, but they still had the respect of their audiences and still do today. They have definitely made a difference in the music industry. May 21, 1998 period 1 Queen      Queen is a very fun group to listen to. Their upbeat crazy music keeps people listening. They became more and more popular with every new album they released. Queen?s songs often had several hidden meanings. We think that they were just having fun when they wrote certain songs, but in reality they were expressing themselves. A lot of the meanings went unknown for a very long time and some are still making people wonder.      They also had a very talented band. This made it easier to make the background music in their songs interesting. The guitar solos are excellent, the drummer is great, and the vocals are very enjoyable. There are many that feel that the fact that the lead was a bisexual changed the quality of their music. I don?t believe that. Queen was Queen, no matter what, they were good.      There is a reason that they had nineteen albums, eight gold and six platinum, they played quality music. I am glad there music is still appreciated around the world today. May 21, 1998 period 1 The Sex Pistols      This is a group I wouldn?t mind never hearing again.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Codification Master Glossary Essay
Question 1 Is the Enterprise a VIE as defined in the Codification Master Glossary? If so, what criteria cause it to be deemed a VIE? Assume that (1) the Enterprise does not qualify for any scope exceptions and (2) the equity investment by the Nominee Shareholders in the Enterprise represents equity investment at risk. The enterprise is a VIE as defined in the codification of the master glossary. From the narrative, nominee equity holders do not absorb the losses of the enterprise and do not benefit from the residual gain the residual gain rather goes to the WFOE. The nominee equity holders though they own 100% of the share cannot run the activities of the enterprise; the activities are run by the WFOE as they provide the intellectual property, employees, resources and other services to run the schools. The nominee shareholders equally pledge their equity rights to the WFOE and cannot transfer, sell or give their equity for encumbrance. This descriptions in the narrative are in line with the def inition of a VIE as per ASC 810-10. Question 2 If the Enterprise is deemed to be a VIE, would the WFOE (excluding any related party or de facto agency relationships) consolidate the Enterprise? The WFOE would consolidate the enterprise following ASC 810-10-25-38 because it says a reporting entity shall consolidate a VIE if the reporting entity has a variable interest that absorb a majority of the VIE’s expected losses, receives a majority of the VIE’s expected residual income or both. The WFOE receives a majority of the enterprise residual income and so should consolidate the enterprise. Question 3 What impact, if any, does the POA agreement have on the conclusion reached in Question 2? The POA does not change the conclusion reached in question 2 because the nominee shareholders still act on behalf of the WFOE and the provisions that made the enterprise a VIE does not change with the POA 4. Does the accounting analysis or conclusion change for each of the questions above when analyzed in accordance with IFRS? IFRS does not have VIEs they have special purpose entities which are similar to VIEs. According to IAS 27 SPEs should be consolidated where substance of the relationship indicates that the SPE is controlled by the reporting entity. This may arise even where the activities of the SPE are predetermined or where the majority of the voting or equity are not held by the reporting entity.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Oedipus the King Oedipuss Submission to the Gods Essay
Oedipuss Submission to the Gods In ancient Greece, plays were more then simply a form of entertainment. Athenian drama was supported and financed by the state. (...)Greek theater was directed at the moral and political education of the community. (Kennedy and Gioia, pgs 1357-1363) Sophocles understood this, and dissipated any pollyanic view of society by presenting us with plays that were intended to teach. Sophocless Oedipus the King issued a warning for those who foolishly believed that they could challenge the forces of nature. Sophocles was known for presenting characters that are fluid not static. So it should come as no surprise that the Oedipus the reader encounters at the outset of the play, an extraordinary leader, but†¦show more content†¦Upon learning of this prophesy, Oedipus, prince of Corinth, official son of King Polybus and queen Merope, left the city where he was raised, convinced he could be the master of his own fate and circumvent the will of the gods. Oedipuss confidence as a rul er, and pride in his own abilities, is made clear during the first half of the play. The play starts off with a procession of priests who are carrying branches wound in wool and laying them on the alter that is located in front of the royal house of Thebes and then supplicating themselves before it. A plague has struck Thebes killing their crops and cattle and causing the women of Thebes to miscarry. When Oedipus enters, he expresses sincere concern for his people and their plight, yet immediately turns their attention away from the gods and onto himself by stating Here I am myself--you all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus. (Oedipus, pgs 1366 -1367) (It is important not to think of the gods in Greek tragedies in the theological sense, but rather consider them to be the forces of nature). When, Creon, Oedipuss brother in law, came back with the pronouncement of Apollo that the plague upon Thebes would continue till the murderer of the previous king, king Laius, w as found and brought to justice, Oedipus immediately stated Ill bring it all to light myself!
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