Thursday, August 27, 2020

Turbidity and solids determination Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Turbidity and solids assurance - Lab Report Example The standard procedure for the turbidity assurance is engaged around the Jackson light turbid meter. Estimations made using the flame turbid meter are engaged around the manner in which light experiences a suspension that commendable inspirations the image of the fire to disappear. The more drawn out the light way; it cuts down the turbidity (Letterman 26). Estimations using this method are represented as a piece of Jackson Turbidity Units or JTU. The nephelometer, or business turbid meter, is an other fundamental system, which breaks down the intensity of light dispersed by the model under portrayed conditions with the power of light dissipated by a standard outcome under similar conditions. The higher the power of dispersed light, the higher the turbidity. Estimations made using this procedure are recorded inside Nephelometric Turbidity Units or NTU. Complete solids imply the issue or development that residual parts in the wake of disappearing and drying of water test. Lt fuses suspended solids that could be isolated out, and the broke down solids that go through the channel. Settleable solids are those suspended solids that will settle out by gravity under peaceful conditions. Volumetric and gravimetric tests could be used to center the bit of the solids that are settleable-Gravimetric examination is much of the time used for the assurance of solids. This incorporates mindful weighing of channels and dishes already, at that point sometime later model filtering and drying (Letterman 50). Tests must be definitely estimated, gauged and recorded with a specific ultimate objective to obtain convincing outcomes. The turbid meter was turns on and let to warm for 15 minutes. Checking was done on the turbid meter utilizing the measures operating at a profit cases close to the instrument. The suitable range was chosen starting with a higher range. Filled the example vial with a very much blended

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Gastornis (Diatryma) - Facts and Figures

Gastornis (Diatryma) - Facts and Figures Name: Gastornis (Greek for Gastons winged animal); articulated gas-TORE-niss; otherwise called Diatryma Living space: Forests of Western Europe, North America, and eastern Asia Recorded Epoch: Late Paleocene-Middle Eocene (55-45 million years back) Size and Weight: Around six feet tall and two or three hundred pounds Diet: Obscure; most likely herbivorous Recognizing Characteristics: Short, amazing legs and snout; squat trunk About Gastornis First of all: the flightless ancient winged creature we presently know as Gastornis used to be called Diatryma (Greek for through an opening), the name by which it was perceived by ages of schoolchildren. Subsequent to inspecting some fossil examples uncovered in New Mexico, the well known American scientist Edward Drinker Cope begat the name Diatryma in 1876, not realizing that an increasingly dark fossil tracker, Gaston Plante, had gave his own name on this sort a few decades sooner, in 1855, in view of a lot of bones found close to Paris. With genuine logical fairness, the name of this winged animal bit by bit returned to Gastornis during the 1980s, creating nearly as much disarray as the generally contemporary change from Brontosaurus to Apatosaurus. Naming shows aside, at six feet tall and a couple hundred pounds Gastornis was a long way from the greatest ancient flying creature that ever livedthat respect has a place with the half-ton Aepyornis, the Elephant Birdbut it might have been one of the most risky, with a tyrannosaur-like profile (ground-breaking legs and head, diminutive arms) that exhibits how advancement will in general fit a similar body shapes into the equivalent natural specialties. (Gastornis first sprung up in the northern side of the equator around 10 million years after the dinosaurs went terminated, during the late Paleocene and early Eocene ages). Surprisingly more terrible, if Gastornis was fit for pack chasing, one envisions that it could terminate a biological system of little creatures in a matter of seconds! Theres a significant issue with this pack-chasing situation, notwithstanding: of late, the heaviness of the proof is that Gastornis was a herbivore instead of a meat eater. While early outlines of this feathered creature portrayed it chomping on Hyracotherium (the little ancient pony recently known as Eohippus), a concoction examination of its bones focuses to a plant-eating diet, and its enormous skull has been reworked as perfect for crunching extreme vegetation instead of tissue. Obviously, Gastornis additionally came up short on the snared mouth normal for later meat-eating winged creatures, for example, Phorusrhacos, otherwise known as the Terror Bird, and its short, squat legs would have been little use pursuing prey through the harsh underbrush of its condition. Beside its various fossils, Gastornis is one of only a handful barely any ancient winged creatures to be related with what have all the earmarks of being its own eggs: shell parts recouped from western Europe have been remade as oval, as opposed to adjust or ovoid, eggs estimating about 10 inches in length and four creeps in distance across. The putative impressions of Gastornis have additionally been found in France and in Washington state, and a couple of what are accepted to be Gastornis quills have been recuperated from the Green River fossil arrangement in the western U.S. As ancient feathered creatures go, Gastornis unmistakably had a curiously broad dispersion, a reasonable sign (regardless of the subtleties of its eating routine) that it was very much adjusted to its place and time.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive MBA News Check and Recheck MBA Application Deadline Times

Blog Archive MBA News Check and Recheck MBA Application Deadline Times You worked painstakingly hard on that application, but you never realized that it was due at 12 p.m. EST! This year, Harvard Business Schools application is due at 12 p.m. EST on the dot, and MIT Sloan’s is due at 12 p.m. PST and so on. Our point is, do not make any hasty assumptions about the timing of the specific deadlines for the schools you are targeting. Check them. Recheck them. And then recheck them again. And, hey, why not submit early? Although submitting a day or two early will make no difference as to when the school reviews your application (except at schools with rolling admission), doing so could give you a little peace of mind and prevent you from being caught up in any troubling server traffic at the very last moment. Give yourself a day so that you do not even need to worry about checking and rechecking. Then on deadline day, you can rest easy. Share ThisTweet Harvard University (Harvard Business School) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) News

Monday, May 25, 2020

Title the Enhancement of Social Networking Tools in...

Abstract : The most efficient idea to enhance businesses is through networking, precisely social networking to enquire tremendous methods for problem solving. This study represents a research on the influence impact social networking tools has done to business environments. Studies have shown that most SMEs rise with the help of social network has developed its own platform to encourage entrepreneurs to exceed at the highest level possible to be able to compete in the major market. The major findings have emerged as follows: A) Since social networking tools has become a vital part in one’s life, statistics shows that Facebook has over 60 million active users regardless of its purposes, and this idea has been the pinnacle for business†¦show more content†¦Discussion The role responsibilities of social networking tools to enhance business growth are vastly developed to serve us as a surface from scratch to start a business. The development via hardware software of the SnS s better resolute users to ‘plug play’ in their businesses, which is the most important aspects a user is comfortable using this tools for generate income. People are like ‘social animals’, they need to associate with many other to communicate, share information within certain capacity, and nothing is better than socializing using SnS as a basic tool. It is very important for an undergraduate to familiarize himself/herself with the media, mainly the internet, precisely social networks to gain knowledge with the software its capabilities, in return to use them later in the business world for better opportunities. It is said to be that social networking tools can be implemented with or without running a business, definitely can be kicked off for start ing a new business, the fastest effective way for people around the world to know what businesses means in their lives today. However, a report released from Open DNS, a DNS resolution service--casts some light on how businesses are treating social networking and online video websites at least in terms of how employees spend their time while on the clock. While brands areShow MoreRelatedIbm Corporation : My Developerworks Case Study1698 Words   |  7 Pages (IBM Corporation, 2014) Title – IBM Corporation: My developerWorks Case Study Date – 9/15/2014 Name – Pawankumar Sharma CRITICAL FACTS: †¢ International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is an American integrated technology and consulting company founded by Thomas J. Watson and Charles R. Flint on June 16, 1911. (IBM Corporation , 2014) †¢ Headquartered in Armonk, New York. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Cómo ser exitoso pidiendo extensión de visa de turista

Los turistas extranjeros que se encuentran en Estados Unidos con una visa B1 o la combinada B1/B2 pueden solicitar una extensià ³n de su estadà ­a, si desean permanecer en el paà ­s por mà ¡s tiempo. Quià ©nes no pueden extender la visa de turista No todos los turistas pueden solicitar quedarse mà ¡s tiempo del que inicialmente les ha sido concedido.   Hay que tener en cuenta algunas situaciones especiales. En primer lugar, los mexicanos que ingresan a Estados Unidos con una visa de cruce BCC, tambià ©n conocida como là ¡ser, deben respetar reglas especiales de tiempo y tambià ©n de millas que se pueden adentrar mà ¡s allà ¡ de la là ­nea de la frontera. Si sus planes son distintos, deben realizar previamente los trà ¡mites correspondientes. Por otro lado, los canadienses y los ciudadanos de Bermudas pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos como turistas sin visa por un mà ¡ximo de 180 dà ­as. Pueden salir y regresar al poco tiempo, si bien en este caso se arriesgan a que el oficial fronterizo de la CBP consideren que està ¡n en realidad viviendo en Estados Unidos y les niegue el ingreso al paà ­s. Los canadienses no deben confundir este plazo migratorio de 6 meses  con el de impuestos de 120 dà ­as, es decir, 4 meses. Son cosas distintas que a veces se confunden. Por à ºltimo, los ciudadanos de los paà ­ses incluidos en el programa de Exencià ³n de Visa pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos como turistas por un mà ¡ximo de 90 dà ­as y no es posible en ningà ºn caso extender esta estadà ­a. Imposible. Tener en cuenta que si llegan por avià ³n en una là ­nea aà ©rea—es decir, no en una nave privada—se necesita solicitar una autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica que se conoce como ESTA.  Esta autorizacià ³n no es una visa, por lo tanto es imposible extender lo que no se tiene. Todos los demà ¡s turistas, es decir, lo que ingresan con la visa B-2, que la mayorà ­a de las veces se emite conjuntamente con la B-1, que es la que se utiliza para negocios, pueden solicitar la extensià ³n. Pero para ser exitoso es conveniente seguir los siguientes consejos.   Cuà ¡ndo se puede solicitar la extensià ³n de la visa de turista Lo primero que hay que tener claro es cuà ¡ndo se puede permanecer legalmente en los Estados Unidos. Para ello, la informacià ³n la brinda el documento que se conoce como I-94. No cometer el error de considerar que la fecha que hay que mirar es la de expiracià ³n de la visa.  Son dos cosas completamente distintas. A continuacià ³n, tener en cuenta que no se debe pedir la extensià ³n muy pronto. Es decir, se aconseja llevar ya unos tres meses ya en los Estados Unidos. La razà ³n para dejar transcurrir ese tiempo es para evitar que las autoridades migratorias consideren que esa fue siempre la intencià ³n y que por lo tanto no se fue claro al ingresar al paà ­s. Si se da esa impresià ³n lo mà ¡s probable que suceda es que se niegue la peticià ³n de extensià ³n. Por otro lado, tampoco se puede enviar muy tarde la solicitud de la extensià ³n. Se considera que lo prudente es enviarla 45 dà ­as antes de que llegue el dà ­a mà ¡ximo de estancia autorizada en los Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, si segà ºn el I-94 la estancia autorizada finaliza el 30 de septiembre, enviar la solicitud el 16 de agosto o unos cuantos dà ­as antes. Cà ³mo se pide extender la visa de turista o paseo Antes de comenzar, verificar la fecha de expiracià ³n del pasaporte. Debe ser và ¡lido en el momento en que se solicita la extensià ³n y asegurarse de que lo seguirà ¡ siendo durante el tiempo para el cual se solicita la extensià ³n de la estadà ­a. Si se cumple ese requisito, proceder a continuacià ³n a rellenar el formulario I-539.  Ã‚  El nombre oficial es Application to extend/change nonimmigrant status y es que tambià ©n se utiliza para otras solicitudes. Por lo que es importante marcar y llenar sà ³lo las casillas que apliquen al caso. Documentacià ³n adicional Junto con la forma I-539 debe enviarse el  registro de entrada/salida I-94. Los extranjeros que ingresaron a los Estados Unidos despuà ©s del 30 de abril de 2013 por aeropuerto o puerto tienen una versià ³n digital de este documento. Se puede obtener una copia en la pà ¡gina oficial de la CBP. En los casos de ingreso por frontera terrestre en los que se tiene un I-94 de papel o casos especiales de ingresos por aeropuerto o puerto y se ha extraviado, llenar en su lugar el formulario que se conoce como I-102 para obtener asà ­ una copia. Ademà ¡s, se debe explicar en una carta en inglà ©s y en detalle las razones para pedir la extensià ³n de la visa. Por quà © la estancia en EEUU continà ºa siendo temporal, cuà ¡ndo y cà ³mo se planea salir del paà ­s y tambià ©n quà © posibles efectos puede tener en el empleo que se tenga en el paà ­s de origen alargar la estancia en los Estados Unidos. En el caso de que varios miembros de una misma familia se encuentren visitando Estados Unidos, es suficiente rellenar una sola aplicacià ³n para solicitar la extensià ³n de la visa, siempre y cuando la unidad familiar està © conformada por los padres—o uno de ellos—e  hijos solteros  menores de 21 aà ±os. En cuanto al tiempo el que se pide la extensià ³n, queda a eleccià ³n del turista siempre y cuando sea por un tiempo inferior a los 180 dà ­as. Es conveniente ser razonable en este punto y pedir una ampliacià ³n que no resulte sospechosa y dà © lugar a que se pueda pensar que se està ¡ viviendo en el paà ­s, o se està ¡ trabajando, etc. Si se incluye documentacià ³n en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, debe traducirse y certificarse la traduccià ³n siguiendo este modelo de carta. Arancel o cuota que pagar para extender la visa de turista En la actualidad deben abonarse $290 por este servicio. Para asegurarse de la cantidad, ya que puede cambiar en cualquier momento, se puede verificar en la pà ¡gina oficial del USCIS y buscar por el nombre del formulario, es decir, I-539 y aà ±adir la palabra arancel en inglà ©s, es decir, fee. Tambià ©n es posible marcar gratis al Servicio al Cliente del USCIS marcando gratuitamente al 1-800-375-5783. Se puede pagar mediante money orden o mediante un cheque en dà ³lares de un banco o de una institucià ³n financiera con oficinas en Estados Unidos y pagadero a nombre del U.S. Department of Homeland Security. No utilizar abreviaciones como DHS o USDHS. Oficina a la que se envà ­a Para la extensià ³n de la visa de turista existen dos direcciones a utilizar, corresponde una u otra dependiendo del mà ©todo de envà ­o.   Por correo ordinario: USCIS Dallas Lockbox U.S. Postal Service:USCISP.O. Box 660166Dallas, TX 75266 Por correo urgente o por servicio de mensajerà ­a: USCISATTN: I-5392501 S. State Highway 121 BusinessSuite 400Lewisville, TX 75067 Decisià ³n de las autoridades migratorias El USCIS notificarà ¡ por escrito si concede o no la peticià ³n de extender la visa de turista. Por esta razà ³n, es fundamental que la notificacià ³n llegue a su destino y no se pierda por el camino. Por lo tanto, si se cambia de domicilio es importantà ­simo notificarlo, aunque lo recomendable, si es posible, es seguir en el mismo sitio hasta que llegue la carta. La decisià ³n del USCIS puede ser de tres tipos En primer lugar, se aprueba la peticià ³n de extender la visa. En este caso la nueva fecha tope para poder permanecer legalmente en Estados Unidos la seà ±ala el nuevo I-94. Siempre y cuando la extensià ³n se hubiera pedido dentro del periodo de presencia autorizada, no se incurrirà ¡ en presencia ilegal mientras se espera por la aprobacià ³n del USCIS, aà ºn cuando esta llegue con fecha posterior a la seà ±alada en el I-94 de ingreso al paà ­s. En segundo lugar -y esto es de gran importancia—la falta de contestacià ³n por mà ¡s de 240 dà ­as. A partir de ese dà ­a se considera que la presencia del turista es ilegal. Y en tercer lugar, se niega la peticià ³n. En este caso hay que salir inmediatamente de los Estados Unidos. No se dice cuà ¡ntos dà ­as exactamente se tiene que salir. Pero la obligacià ³n es que se salga de forma inmediata. Ademà ¡s, en estos casos, hay un problema aà ±adido: se considera que se da una situacià ³n de presencia ilegal a contar desde el dà ­a en que expirà ³ el I-94 cuya extensià ³n ha rechazado el USCIS. Es decir, desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratorias esa persona es inadmisible lo cual tiene efectos inmediatos en la validez de la  visa de turista.  ¿Cuà ¡ntas veces se puede pedir la extensià ³n de la visa? La ley no dice que exista un nà ºmero mà ¡ximo de veces. Pero sà ­ el tiempo mà ¡ximo que se puede permanecer en Estados Unidos con una visa de turista contando todas las extensiones aprobadas: 1 aà ±o. Por lo tanto no se puede encadenar extensiones pasado ese là ­mite. Errores que se deben evitar Una creencia extendida y que es completamente equivocada es la de entender que si no se sale a tiempo pero la estancia ilegal es por pocos dà ­as pues que no pasa nada. Sà ­ que hay consecuencias, desde el dà ­a primero. Ademà ¡s, si la estancia ilegal se prolonga por mà ¡s allà ¡ de medio aà ±o, aplica ademà ¡s  el castigo de los tres o de los 10 aà ±os. Por otra parte, muchos turistas creen que pueden viajar a Mà ©xico, Canadà ¡ o a las Bahamas por avià ³n o por tierra y luego regresar y obtener asà ­ un nuevo I-94. Pero eso no es asà ­, para obtener una nueva fecha en el I-94 habrà ­a que haber viajado fuera de toda Amà ©rica del Norte. Y aà ºn viajando a otro paà ­s, debe siempre tenerse en cuenta la frecuencia de los ingresos a Estados Unidos, pues podrà ­a dar lugar a problemas al llegar al puesto de control migratorio, por tierra, mar o aeropuerto. Algunas opciones poco conocidas En casos muy concretos, es posible viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y volver a entrar con una visa expirada. Es lo que se conoce como revalidacià ³n automà ¡tica. Pero està ¡ sujeta a requisitos muy estrictos.   Tambià ©n en casos muy especà ­ficos, es posible restaurar el estatus migratorio cuando se ha fallado a la hora de salir a tiempo o pedir la extensià ³n de la visa a tiempo. Consejos para mantener la visa de turista Para acabar este artà ­culo, seà ±alar que no sà ³lo la presencia ilegal puede dar lugar a problemas a la hora de mantener la visa de turista. Es muy importante respetar la intencià ³n de la visa: simplemente turismo. Por lo tanto si se desea casarse, hay que tener en cuenta ciertas precauciones. Si se quiere estudiar a tiempo completo, o lo que es lo mismo, mà ¡s de 19 horas, la visa que hay que solicitar es la de estudiante o, en su caso, la de intercambio. Y que por supuesto està ¡ prohibido trabajar con esta visa. Para ello hay que estar autorizado por un documento migratorio que lo permita. Trabajar sin estar autorizado es una violacià ³n migratoria.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Strategic Management Accounting - 13457 Words

The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at AAAJ 21,2 Strategic management accounting: how far have we come in 25 years? Kim Langï ¬ eld-Smith Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the origins of strategic management accounting and to assess the extent of adoption and â€Å"success† of strategic management accounting (SMA). Design/methodology/approach – Empirical papers which have directly researched SMA and prior review papers of the adoption and implementation of SMA or SMA techniques are reviewed. As well as assessing the extent of adoption of SMA and the reasons underlying an apparent low adoption†¦show more content†¦As well as reviewing empirical papers which have directly researched these issues, prior reviews of SMA adoption and implementation will also be utilized. Thus, in some respects this paper is a â€Å"review of reviews† of SMA. As well as assessing the extent of adoption of SMA and the reasons underlying an apparent low adoption rate, the role of accountants in adopting and implementing SMA is considered. Finally, the success or otherwise of SMA i s discussed. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section SMA will be deï ¬ ned. This will be followed by a recount of the development and possible demise of SMA as provided in a recent chapter by John Shank (2007). Wider perspectives on the origins and development of SMA are then presented, drawing mainly on the works of Bromwich and Bhimani (Bromwich, 1990; Bromwich and Bhimani, 1989, 1994) and Roslender and Hart (Roslender, 1995, 1996; Roslender and Hart, 2002, 2003). This is followed by a selective review of the literature that addresses adoption, implementation and success of speciï ¬ c SMA techniques and practices, which includes descriptive and theoretically-grounded case studies, and surveys of practice. The role of management accountants in the adoption and implementation of SMA is then considered, and in the ï ¬ nal section the state of play of SMA is assessed and opportunities for future researchShow MoreRelatedStrategic Management Accounting1773 Words   |  8 PagesSTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING This report will attempt to explain what Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) is, how it developed, why Traditional Management Accounting (TMA) is not sufficient to provide information for strategic decisions and the difference between SMA and TMA. It will further outline some of the essential analytical tools or techniques in SMA such as Activity Based Costing (ABC) and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). SMA is an extremely broad concept, so in order to give a bird’sRead MoreStrategic Management Accounting2093 Words   |  9 PagesWhat is Strategic Management Accounting? And why, Strategic Management Accounting? Simple definition: Management Accounting in the context of business strategies being planned and implemented by an organisation. Strategy is the way that a firm positions and distinguishes itself from its competitors. These business strategies must be developed in the context of the internal and external environments so that they are practical, or else they will remain a theoretical wish-list. It is alsoRead MoreStrategic Management Accounting3162 Words   |  13 Pagesproducts; and the emergence of e-business and so on. As a result of the defects of traditional accounting have been unable to meet these changes new management themes have evolved which in turn has resulted in the development of strategic management accounting. Strategic management accounting aims to provide relevant information to an organization’s management to enable them to make strategic plans and strategic decisions. The emphasis is on external information on competitors, customers, markets, andRead MoreStrategic Management Accounting2595 Words   |  11 Pagesmeeting target budgeted profit. This is a critical situation where management of Manac plc should understand and evaluate the key strategic management accounting models and concepts which may affect to decisions made with regard to products’ cost and price. Manac plc presently uses traditional management accounting concepts such as standard costing and absorption costing methods as a part of its approach to strategic management accounting. The reasons for the company not to achieve target budgeted profitRead MoreRole Of A Strategic Management Accounting Essay1317 Words   |  6 Pagesand Goddard 2008) investigating the role of strategic management accounting in an organizational setting? The role of strategic management accounting (SMA) is a relatively new concept especially within organizational settings (Juras, 2014). 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This led to a close up on conventional management and cost accounting practices and sparked criticismRead MoreQuestions On Strategic Management Accounting2396 Words   |  10 PagesOver the past recent years a new term namely â€Å"Strategic Management Accounting† has been introduced in management accounting discussion. In the following years and still today, a debate about what SMA comprises has been oriented. It is considered widely by organizations while drafting and implementing strategic planning and control system in an organization. This essay will elaborate the understanding and analyzing of work done by CIMA and some other surveyors in r elation to this field. SecondaryRead MoreManagment Accounting, Financial Control, Management Control, Strategic Management Accounting (Sma)3965 Words   |  16 PagesIntroduction: To better understand differences between many similar types of terms in accounting such as management accounting and financial accounting, management control and financial control and strategic management accounting we will explore the case study of TNT and how the company has been able to implement these important concepts practically in this case. Firstly, we will see how the management and financial controls were used in order to achieve what Taylor say’s is Critical Mass. We willRead MoreStrategic Management Accounting and Balanced Score Card11170 Words   |  45 PagesCHAPTER 17: ACCOUNTING FOR STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CHAPTER OUTLINE ï  ± ï  ± ï  ± Learning outcomes Introduction Organisational strategy o Definition o Cumulative strategy (strategising) ï  ± Strategic management accounting (SMA) o Definition o Components of SMA o Does SMA still exist; or, what is it becoming? ï  ± The balanced scorecard o Its origins and its purpose o Elements and characteristics of a balanced scorecard o Designing a balanced scorecard o Features of a balanced scorecard o Why hasRead MoreStrategic Management Accounting : Cost Advantage And Differentiation Advantage996 Words   |  4 PagesTraditional management accounting is cost driven with short-term pricing and profit motive. It is fragmented and has internal and financial focus. Strategic management accounting is market driven with long-term pricing and profit motive. It is integrated and has value and external focus. Strategic management accounting raises the issues and addresses the weaknesses of traditional management accounting in the modern market place. Strategic management accounting requires the application of strategic management

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Period of Adolescence and the Cultural Aspects free essay sample

Both male and female circumcisions were practiced as early as in ancient Egypt. Initiation rituals are common in African societies where girls have to undergo clitoridectomy and are tattooed so as to mark their entry in adulthood. In North America, the rituals are in the form of a vision quest in which both boys and girls are sent to a jungle where they have to stay, fast and wait for a vision which will reveal their future. These initiation rituals used to be very important in ancient times but are now looked at with certain contempt especially when the abuses and ill-treatments of the adolescents are taken into consideration. It is now considered as inhuman and is in contradiction with the Human Rights as these Initiation rituals have cost the lives of many boys and girls as the tasks imposed on them during these rituals are much too hard for their tender bodies. b) Physical development in an adolescent is both biological and physiological. Their metabolic rates increases and so do their skills. Their body changes drastically as boys and start having manly voices, with a body growing muscular, with appearance of hair on the chin, armpits, and genitals and as for girls, they start having their menstruations and a body which starts to shape itself. Considering these changes, child-minders should pay particular attention to what the adolescent is eating so as to keep their metabolism at a correct rate and also the proportion of food taken in should also be monitored so as to avoid obesity, anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Self-confidence and self-esteem of the adolescents can be boosted by the encouragements he gets from the people around him. Encouragements are very important in cases when the adolescents feel that their body is not growing they want it to and this may cause a feeling of inferiority in them which can lead to depression and disorders like anorexia. Child-minders should stress on the fact that it is very important to develop their personalities too along with their physique. Adolescents may also be influenced into having unsafe sex, thus child-minders aught to inform them about the dangers like AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases and the risk of early pregnancy. An unbalanced and premature sex life may cause a dependence to sex and a loss of concentration in studies and academic achievements. Parents should explain and clear out any confusion about superstitions which the adolescents may have. All adolescents must be encouraged to have a proper personal hygiene and exercises at a regular basis. c) Adolescents are highly emotional when they, for example, come across situations they never have faced before. Like the first time they have been ragged or the first heartbreak they have experienced. This can be highly stressing as the latter may feel insecure and lack of self-confidence. This may be accentuated by the pressure of getting good grades and be academically successful. This can cause a feeling of inferiority if the expectations are not met. Adolescents are also very troubled if their family impose difficult expectations on them as this causes confusions and this may damper their self-confidence. Their friends and family have a great influence o them as they may feel left-out or inferior if they show-off a significant difference compared to their peers. Emotional stress from family members also deeply affects them as this distorts their view on family life and may cause serious psychological disorders. d) A proper career guidance officer should give suggestions instead of imposing his personal views or opinions. He should always bear in mind what the person wants and what are his chances of obtaining it. An accurate and realistic opinion should be given to the adolescent on his skills and what are his chances of pursuing in the field he wants so that he can be encouraged to improve himself and not feel inferior. The tone that he uses should be a friendly one and the counselor should empathises with the consulting adolescent. Their confidence level should be boosted up so that they themselves can take their own decisions and decide about the criteria on which they can rely to determine the career they will choose. The counselor must have a good knowledge of job trends and know which field is an expanding one. Job-seekers must understand that the task of looking for a job can be tiring. Tips about how to submit a proper application letter and a motivation letter can prove to be very useful for adolescents. Reaching puberty, the individual already possesses moral values, now in this stage; the adolescents themselves determine their own notions about what is right and wrong. They now have the ability to make the difference between the two, analyse ideas and beliefs and see for themselves whether they are reliable or not. For example they can voice out their opinions about issues like homosexuality and the effects of drug abuse. Adolescents should be allowed to build up their own value system in which they will add their own ideas about what is right and wrong. We need to let them take their own initiatives and decisions but we should not impose unshakable discipline on them. They should be given the chance to voice out their feelings, aspirations and opinions without them having to feel awkward or embarrassed. Criticism should not be too stern but should always be accompanied with encouragements. Question 2 a) Depression is defined as being a state where a person feels deeply sad and has a pessimistic approach to one’s future. It is also described as a medical condition which causes unhappiness and leading a normal life becomes difficult. (Longman, dictionary of Contemporary English). It ranges from mild sadness feeling of being left-out to more serious depression where a person loses all contact with the reality and stops responding to stimuli.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Abnormal Psychology Essays - Psychiatric Diagnosis,

Abnormal Psychology In a world full of fears, perhaps the worst one a human being should haveis that to be afraid of his fellow man. The human that should be mostfeared is the one that has Anti-Social Personality Disorder or in laymen'sterms the psychopath. The psychopath is probably the most deviant mindthat exists and treatment is not very successful because there is not a cureor drug to control it. The solution in my mind to control the problem ofsociopaths is to let them live in colonies with each other. Through myresearch I will develop an understanding of this personality disorder andconvince you the reader that my solution might be a viable solution. Thesociopath is a combination of other mental illnesses that are incurred inchildhood as a result of heredity, trauma and the lack of emotionaldevelopment. The lack of moral or emotional development which gives asociopath a lack of understanding for other people's feelings whichenables them to be deceitful without feeling bad about whatever they do.T he under developed emotional system as explained in the video "TheWorld of Personality Disorders volume 5" says the sociopath is"emotionally retarded" . The sociopathic behavior problems that start as achild have links to heredity, a family with a pre-disposition to performcrimes, alcoholic parents that do crimes, irresponsible behavior thatpersists and parents that do not discipline. The child that will eventually bea sociopath exhibits certain feeling inside that they are inadequate, shamedand because of that they are teased and made fun of. The childcharacteristics of a future sociopath consist of being incapable offollowing the rules. The youngster will skip school, bully, steal! , tormentanimals, run away from home and the child is likely to develop AttentionDeficit \Hyperactivity Disorder or AD|HD. At an earlier age than theirpeer group the child will smoke drink, do drugs, and become sexuallyactive. The diagnoses of Anti-Social Personality Disorder is not used forpeople under the age of 18. The Psychopath is defined in the dictionaryas a person suffering from, especially a severe mental disorder withaggressive antisocial behavior which is a nice way of saying a really badand mean person. There are many characteristics of a sociopath and eachsociopath has their own special traits. A sociopath gets great gratificationin the act of hurting someone for absolutely no reason. The behavior of asociopath is so close to normal it is extremely hard to diagnose. Asociopath is a person that acts against society and their sole purpose itseems is to act against the laws of the given land their end. The sociopathwill in most cases become violent and abuse drugs and alcohol to facilitatethe violent behavior. The violence in many cases is the result ofsub-concious decisions that might lead to murdering or assaultingsomeone for no reason. When a sociopath is attacking someone they willinflict more pain if the victim fights back. The lack of moral developmentlets the pers on feel no guilt or pain for what they did and quite possiblyfeel great about their actions. A sociopath has little self regard forthemselves and pays little attention to their own personal safety whenpicking fights. Quite often they will be outsized and get hurt. Somesociopaths are non-violent and stay out of prison by doing small crimeslike swindling and insurance fraud. It is possible that a sociopath willcome from a normal home but their are more that do not. A sociopath hasthe opposite morals of society and by doing things like beating up peoplethat are stronger than them they feel like they did something positive. Apsychopath is very reactive and will blow their cool because of little thingsand no doubt assault the person they are reacting to. There is a possibilitythat saratonin a chemical that is linked to behavior has something to dowith the disorder but is not the major cause. The type 2 male sociopathdrinks heavily no matter what, has a history of frequent fights and arre sts,they are impulsive risk takers, curious, excitable, quick tempered,optimistic and independent. Characteristic List ? be glib or superficial ?have a grandiose self image ? be deceitful or manipulative ? lack ofremorse ? lack of empathy ? be impulsive ? be irresponsible ? be easilyangered or frustrated ? have serious problems as a child or teenager ?shows callous unconcern from other's feelings ? disregard social norms

Monday, March 9, 2020

Mary Cassatt Biography - Painting History

Mary Cassatt Biography - Painting History Born on May 22, 1844, Mary Cassatt was one of the very few women who were part of the French Impressionist movement in art, and the only American during the movements productive years; she often painted women in ordinary tasks. Her help to Americans collecting Impressionist art helped bring that movement to America. Biography of Mary Cassatt Mary Cassatt was born in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, in 1845. Mary Cassatts family lived in France from 1851 to 1853 and in Germany from 1853 to 1855. When Mary Cassatts oldest brother, Robbie, died, the family returned to Philadelphia. She studied art at the Pennsylvania Academy in Philadelphia in 1861 to 1865, which was among the few such schools open to female students. In 1866 Mary Cassatt began European travels, finally living in Paris, France. In France, she took art lessons and spent her time studying and copying the paintings at the Louvre. In 1870, Mary Cassatt returned to the United States and her parents home. Her painting suffered from a lack of support from her father. Her paintings in a Chicago gallery were destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Fortunately, in 1872 she received a commission from the archbishop in Parma to copy some Correggio works, which revived her flagging career. She went to Parma for the job, then after study in Antwerp Cassatt returned to France. Mary Cassatt joined the Paris Salon, exhibiting with the group in 1872, 1873, and 1874. She met and began studying with Edgar Degas, with whom she had a close friendship; they apparently did not become lovers. In 1877 Mary Cassatt joined the French Impressionist group and in 1879 began exhibiting with them at the invitation of Degas. Her paintings sold successfully. She herself began collecting the paintings of other French Impressionists, and she helped several friends from America acquire French Impressionist art for their collections. Among those she convinced to collect Impressionists was her brother, Alexander. Mary Cassatts parents and sister joined her in Paris in 1877; Mary had to do the housework when her mother and sister fell ill, and the volume of her painting suffered until her sisters death in 1882 and her mothers recovery soon after. Mary Cassatts most successful work was during the 1880s and 1890s. She moved from impressionism to her own style, significantly influenced by Japanese prints that she saw at an exhibition in 1890. Degas, upon seeings some of Mary Cassatts later work, was said to have stated, I am not willing to admit that a woman can draw that well. Her work was frequently characterized by depictions of women in ordinary tasks, and especially with children. Though she never married or had children of her own, she enjoyed visits from her American nieces and nephews. In 1893, Mary Cassatt submitted a mural design for display at the 1893 Worlds Columbian Exhibition in Chicago. The mural was taken down and lost at the end of the fair. She continued to care for her ill mother until her mothers death in 1895. After the 1890s, she did not keep up with some of the newer, more popular trends, and her popularity waned. She put more of her efforts into advising American collectors, including her brothers. Her brother Gardner died suddenly after Mary Cassatt returned with him and his family from 1910 trip to Egypt. Her diabetes began to create more serious health problems. Mary Cassatt supported the womens suffrage movement, both morally and financially. By 1912, Mary Cassatt had become partially blind. She gave up painting entirely in 1915, and had become totally blind by her death on June 14, 1926, in Mesnil-Beaufresne, France. Mary Cassatt was close to several female painters including Berthe Morisot.  In 1904, the French government awarded Mary Cassatt the Legion of Honor. Background, Family Father: Robert Simpson Cassatt (banker)Mother: Katherine Johnston CassattSiblings: fiveAlexander was president of the  Pennsyvlania  Railroad Education Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1861 - 1865Studied under Chaplin in Paris (1866) and Carlo Raimondi in Parma (1872) Bibliography: Judith A. Barter, editor. Mary Cassatt, Modern Woman. 1998.Philip Brooks. Mary Cassatt: An American in Paris. 1995.Julia M. H. Carson. Mary Cassatt. 1966.Cassatt and Her Circle: Selected Letters, New York. 1984.Nancy Mowll Mathews. Mary Cassatt: A Life. 1994.Nancy Mowll Mathews. Cassatt: A Retrospective. 1996.Griselda Pollock. Mary Cassatt: Painter of Modern Women. 1998Frederick A. Sweet. Miss Mary Cassatt, Impressionist from Pennsylvania. 1966.Forbes Watson. Mary Cassatt. 1932.Mary Cassatt: Modern Woman. (Essays.) 1998.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Capital Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Capital Punishment - Essay Example Capital punishment raises many issues concerning morality, where some people support it claiming that it is morally justified while others do not (BBC 2013). This paper will contend to show the reasons why capital punishment should be allowed based on the evidence given in the paper. Capital punishment is a legal process approved by a country, which permits for the termination of a criminal’s life, especially one who has committed murder. Capital punishment has been abolished in many countries including the United Kingdom. The United States of America is the only Western country that has not abolished capital punishment. The main questions raised about capital punishment concern the morality and whether the act deters crime. It is also debated that the act could possibly bring more good than harm, therefore, bringing an intense debate between its supporters and those who oppose (Janet and Oxley 2). Capital punishment is only utilised by the state, therefore, making it use by n on-state organisations like the Al shabaab, illegal. It is exclusively utilised as a penalty for especially heinous crimes such as murder, adultery, fraud, treason, and rape depending on the country. Many people find capital punishment morally unjustifiable but in the event of an atrocity towards their families, they support the process. Many countries have decided to abolish capital punishment due to the extended network of activists and lobby groups, who over the years have seen to it that capital punishment is abolished. The places which have not ceded to the demands of these activists are some Muslim countries like Iran and Iraq and some states of the United States of America. The United Nations does not support capital punishment as it stands for an individual’s right to life. Countries that have not succumbed to International pressure to ban capital punishment insist that the act is non-discriminatively and unarbitrary, therefore, helps keep everyone off some crimes due to its deterring effect (Dezhbakhsh and Shepherd 512). There are many people who consider capital punishment to be morally impermissible. Some debate that it is unconstitutional, barbaric and cruel. They claim to oppose capital punishment because it violates the human right to life, which is a fundamental right. They believe that human life is so important such that even the murderers’ lives should not be destroyed even after conducting heinous atrocities. Other people oppose capital punishment on the grounds that it the justice system is at time marred by mistakes, therefore, accusing some people falsely, which leads to the loss of innocent lives. They claim that the damage that is committed upon such individuals and their families would be irreversible, thus opposing capital punishment (BBC 2013). There are people who are opposed to capital punishment based on the theory that it reflects arbitrariness and discrimination. The antagonists contend that there is evidence parti cularly in America, where those charged with killing white people are four times more likely to be sentenced to capital punishment compared to those people who are charged with killing non-white people. This is evidence of racial discrimination and it is used to oppose the need for capital punishment in a country (Sunstein and Vermeule 2). Vengeance and retribution have been viewed as morally unjustifiable acts that cannot be used to support capital punishment. This is particularly common in religions where they do not justify the taking of

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Process - Essay Example l stage of the scientific method involves observation and since curiosity leads to new knowledge, the method of observation, which is simple, is considered as the process that defines the question (OConnor and Faille 6). Observations are directed at phenomena that cannot be explained by simply relying on the existing knowledge. Therefore, the observation process looks into phenomena that can be explained by explained by knowledge that has already been collected but can also be explained differently. What follows then is seeking to explain the particular phenomenon and the reasons influencing its occurrence. The step that follows entails researching the existing knowledge on the question that has been formed from the observation. For example, if a person observed that their car is not starting, the question will then be why that car is not starting. The knowledge that may be possessed by the individual concerning cars will be used in trying to figure out what may be the problem. The individual might also look into the manual or on the internet for information that may be related to the problem. If a scientist was in a situation such as this, he or she would look for more information from scientific journals that have previously published research that has been conducted by other scientists. Research on existing knowledge is carried out since the question that seeks to be answered might have been dwelled on before, or information that is associated with it may assist in coming up with a hypothesis. Establishing a hypothesis is the next part of the procedure of using scientific methods in solving problems. A hypothesis can be explained as a probable explanation for the phenomenon that was observed during observation. It is usually more than a simple guess since it is founded of a comprehensive review of the current knowledge associated with the subject. A good hypothesis postulates a cause-effect connection such as the reason why the car will not start is because

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Transculture Final Essay Example for Free

Transculture Final Essay The movie Hotel Rwanda focuses on the story of a man named Paul Rusesabagina, a manager of a European-owned hotel in Rwanda. By creating a seret refuge camp in the hotel, Rusesabagina was able to help save the lives of 1, 200 Tutsis from the Hutus during the brutal genocide in 1994.   The gist of the film is depicted in the underlying genius of how the film was able to portray a hellish event without using too much distressing scenes just to be able to show the audience the brutality of the genocide, the narrative of political criticism and comments from the lines spoken by the artists   served as a replacement for these scenes   leaving it to one’s imagination on how severe the true event was. Many social issues were touched in the film. For one, the indifference of the West towards the African lives is believed to be the reason behind the genocide. (Theis, 2004). Another is that the social structure as to who should be on top and who should have the power is discussed all through out the film since the genocide was planned by the Hutus long before to take in effect the   â€Å"one man-one vote† which served as an opportunity for them to kill as many Tutsi Christians. (â€Å"Hotel Rwanda†), this is not only in a political sense but in a religious perspective as well. Many of these issues exist not only in Africa but also in other countries which remain unresolved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the most straining parts of the movie is the presence of the peacekeepers and their inability to intervene because they were told not to and this makes the situation more devastating for the hopeful Tutsi. The tension showed in the film address the inability of some to be able to help in giving out solutions to the problem even if it already requires personal judgment. What really makes me uncomfortable is the inequality shown in the film and the brutal solutions done. It is also frustrating to see that while most of the foreign nationals were saved from the holocaust many of the Tutsi are left hoping to be saved by the intervention of others and relying only in the abilities of one man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This film allowed me to reflect more on my social responsibilities the way it has challenged Paul to help his family and still be able continue to saving lives of others without questioning personal judgment. Moreover, the film was able to show me how one man can make a difference during desperate times and create measures that may appear as inevitable to others. References Theis, P. 2004. Hero. Off Off Off.   Retrieved June 18, 2008 from Hotel Rwanda. Frontline Fellowship. Retrieved June 18, 2008 from

Monday, January 20, 2020

Music Diaries :: essays research papers

The Beatles   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I enjoyed the music of The Beatles. I felt that their songs were fun and uplifting. They had enjoyable beats and were easy to dance and listen to. Listening to their music didn?t put me to sleep. That is a good thing. They didn?t always have to have a meaning behind their music. Some of the songs that they wrote were just a result of them screwing around.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The one thing that I did notice was that I could understand every word they were singing in their songs. That is another reason that I enjoyed their music so much. There have been many groups in the past, and there are many groups today that don?t know how to make music. All they can do is make racket and scream into a microphone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were a couple of Beatles songs that did have a very serious meaning and others that were just about drugs and good times. Unless you were sitting down and really analyzing their music you were not able to figure out that they were singing about drugs. After they met Dylan there music did make a drastic change, but they still had the respect of their audiences and still do today. They have definitely made a difference in the music industry. May 21, 1998 period 1 Queen   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Queen is a very fun group to listen to. Their upbeat crazy music keeps people listening. They became more and more popular with every new album they released. Queen?s songs often had several hidden meanings. We think that they were just having fun when they wrote certain songs, but in reality they were expressing themselves. A lot of the meanings went unknown for a very long time and some are still making people wonder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They also had a very talented band. This made it easier to make the background music in their songs interesting. The guitar solos are excellent, the drummer is great, and the vocals are very enjoyable. There are many that feel that the fact that the lead was a bisexual changed the quality of their music. I don?t believe that. Queen was Queen, no matter what, they were good.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a reason that they had nineteen albums, eight gold and six platinum, they played quality music. I am glad there music is still appreciated around the world today. May 21, 1998 period 1 The Sex Pistols   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is a group I wouldn?t mind never hearing again.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Codification Master Glossary Essay

Question 1 Is the Enterprise a VIE as defined in the Codification Master Glossary? If so, what criteria cause it to be deemed a VIE? Assume that (1) the Enterprise does not qualify for any scope exceptions and (2) the equity investment by the Nominee Shareholders in the Enterprise represents equity investment at risk. The enterprise is a VIE as defined in the codification of the master glossary. From the narrative, nominee equity holders do not absorb the losses of the enterprise and do not benefit from the residual gain the residual gain rather goes to the WFOE. The nominee equity holders though they own 100% of the share cannot run the activities of the enterprise; the activities are run by the WFOE as they provide the intellectual property, employees, resources and other services to run the schools. The nominee shareholders equally pledge their equity rights to the WFOE and cannot transfer, sell or give their equity for encumbrance. This descriptions in the narrative are in line with the def inition of a VIE as per ASC 810-10. Question 2 If the Enterprise is deemed to be a VIE, would the WFOE (excluding any related party or de facto agency relationships) consolidate the Enterprise? The WFOE would consolidate the enterprise following ASC 810-10-25-38 because it says a reporting entity shall consolidate a VIE if the reporting entity has a variable interest that absorb a majority of the VIE’s expected losses, receives a majority of the VIE’s expected residual income or both. The WFOE receives a majority of the enterprise residual income and so should consolidate the enterprise. Question 3 What impact, if any, does the POA agreement have on the conclusion reached in Question 2? The POA does not change the conclusion reached in question 2 because the nominee shareholders still act on behalf of the WFOE and the provisions that made the enterprise a VIE does not change with the POA 4. Does the accounting analysis or conclusion change for each of the questions above when analyzed in accordance with IFRS? IFRS does not have VIEs they  have special purpose entities which are similar to VIEs. According to IAS 27 SPEs should be consolidated where substance of the relationship indicates that the SPE is controlled by the reporting entity. This may arise even where the activities of the SPE are predetermined or where the majority of the voting or equity are not held by the reporting entity.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Oedipus the King Oedipuss Submission to the Gods Essay

Oedipuss Submission to the Gods In ancient Greece, plays were more then simply a form of entertainment. Athenian drama was supported and financed by the state. (...)Greek theater was directed at the moral and political education of the community. (Kennedy and Gioia, pgs 1357-1363) Sophocles understood this, and dissipated any pollyanic view of society by presenting us with plays that were intended to teach. Sophocless Oedipus the King issued a warning for those who foolishly believed that they could challenge the forces of nature. Sophocles was known for presenting characters that are fluid not static. So it should come as no surprise that the Oedipus the reader encounters at the outset of the play, an extraordinary leader, but†¦show more content†¦Upon learning of this prophesy, Oedipus, prince of Corinth, official son of King Polybus and queen Merope, left the city where he was raised, convinced he could be the master of his own fate and circumvent the will of the gods. Oedipuss confidence as a rul er, and pride in his own abilities, is made clear during the first half of the play. The play starts off with a procession of priests who are carrying branches wound in wool and laying them on the alter that is located in front of the royal house of Thebes and then supplicating themselves before it. A plague has struck Thebes killing their crops and cattle and causing the women of Thebes to miscarry. When Oedipus enters, he expresses sincere concern for his people and their plight, yet immediately turns their attention away from the gods and onto himself by stating Here I am myself--you all know me, the world knows my fame: I am Oedipus. (Oedipus, pgs 1366 -1367) (It is important not to think of the gods in Greek tragedies in the theological sense, but rather consider them to be the forces of nature). When, Creon, Oedipuss brother in law, came back with the pronouncement of Apollo that the plague upon Thebes would continue till the murderer of the previous king, king Laius, w as found and brought to justice, Oedipus immediately stated Ill bring it all to light myself!