Monday, September 30, 2019
The Indigo Spell Chapter Twenty-Four
I FELT PRETTY BAD about burning down my teacher's house. Ms. Terwilliger, for obvious reasons, seemed to think that was the least of her problems. She wasn't sure if her insurance would cover the damage, but her company was pretty speedy in sending someone out to investigate the cause. We were still waiting to hear their verdict on coverage, but one thing they didn't report finding was any sign of human remains. Part of me was relieved that I hadn't actually killed anyone. Another part of me feared we hadn't seen the last of Alicia. What silly comparison had Adrian made? The Moriarty to your Holmes. I had to imagine that being hit in the face with razor blades and then left in a burning building would make anyone hold a grudge. A little investigation eventually turned up Veronica at a Los Angeles hospital, checked in as Jane Doe. Visiting her comatose sister became the greatest of Ms. Terwilliger's priorities, and she harbored hopes of possibly finding a way to undo the spell. Despite how busy she now was, my teacher still managed to urge me to meet her coven, and I agreed for a few different reasons. One was that it was kind of impossible for me to act like I didn't want to wield magic anymore. The other reason was that I didn't plan on being around. I was still resolved to go with Marcus to Mexico, and the week flew by. Winter finals were a breeze, and before I knew it, it was Friday, the day before our trip to Mexico. I took a risk by telling my friends goodbye. The safest thing would've been to disappear without a trace, but I trusted them all – even Angeline – to keep my secret and feign ignorance once the Alchemists discovered they had a runaway. I told Trey as well. No matter what had gone down between us, he was still my friend, and I would miss him. As the day wore on, the dorm grew quieter and quieter – aside from unending Christmas music playing in the lobby. Not wanting to exclude other religions, Mrs. Weathers had also set out a menorah and â€Å"Happy Kwanzaa†banner. Tomorrow was officially the last day before everyone had to be out, and a number of people had already left for winter break. I'd finished my own packing, which was light. I didn't want to be burdened down with excess luggage since I really had no idea what to expect in Mexico. I still had two people I needed to say goodbye to: Adrian and Jill. I'd avoided them both for very different reasons, but time was running out. I knew Jill was just a flight of stairs away, but Adrian was more difficult. We'd been in touch a couple times after the fire, simply to sort out some details, but he'd soon gone silent. No calls, no texts, no dreams. Maybe I should've been glad. Maybe I should've welcomed the chance to leave without any painful goodbyes . . . but I couldn't. My chest ached with the thought of not seeing him again. Even though he was the reason I was leaving, I still felt like I needed some closure. It's not about closure, Sydney. You want to see him. You need to see him. And that's exactly why you have to leave. Finally, I took the plunge and called him. It took me so long to work up the nerve that I could hardly believe it when he didn't answer. I resisted the urge to immediately try again. No. I could wait. There would still be time tomorrow, and surely . . . surely he wasn't avoiding me? I decided to hold off on talking to Jill until the next day. Telling her goodbye was just as difficult – and not just because of what she saw through the bond. I knew she'd think I was abandoning her. In truth, if I stayed and ended up with Adrian, I'd possibly be caught and never be able to help her at all. At least if I was away and free, I could try to help her from the outside. I hoped she'd understand. Waiting on her gave me the opportunity to take care of an unwelcome errand: returning Malachi Wolfe's gun. I'd never gone to his home without Adrian, and even though I knew I had nothing to fear from Wolfe, there was still something a little unsettling about going to the compound alone. To my complete and utter astonishment, Wolfe let me into the house when I arrived. All was quiet. â€Å"Where are the dogs?†I asked. â€Å"At training,†he said. â€Å"I have a friend who's an expert dog trainer, and he's giving them some stealth lessons. He used to work for a local K-9 unit.†I didn't think it was in the Chihuahua genetic code to ever be stealthy. I kept that to myself and instead stared around in amazement at Wolfe's kitchen. I'd expected something like a ship's galley. Instead, I found an astonishingly cheery room, with blue-checkered wallpaper and a squirrel cookie jar. If someone had asked me to describe the most unlikely Wolfe kitchen out there, it would've looked something like this. No – wait. On the refrigerator, he had some magnets that looked like ninja throwing stars. That, at least, was in character. Adrian's going to flip out when I tell him. Then I remembered I might not see Adrian for a very long time. That realization killed whatever amusement I'd just felt. â€Å"So what do you need?†asked Wolfe. Peering at him, I suddenly had a strange feeling the eye patch really was on a different eye from last time. I should've paid more attention. â€Å"Another gun?†I returned to the task at hand. â€Å"No, sir. I didn't even need the first one, but thanks for lending it to me.†I removed it from the bag and handed it to him. He gave the gun a once-over and then set it inside a drawer. â€Å"Fixed your problem? You can still hang on to it if you want.†â€Å"I'm leaving the country. Bringing it over the border might cause me some trouble.†â€Å"Fair enough,†he said. He grabbed the cookie jar and took off the lid, leaning it toward me. An amazing scent drifted out. â€Å"Want one? I just made them.†I was really regretting not being able to tell Adrian about this. â€Å"No thanks, sir. I've had more than enough sugar these last few weeks.†I felt like I should have a frequent customer card for Pies and Stuff. â€Å"I thought you looked better. Not all skin and bones anymore.†He nodded in approval, which felt really weird and slightly creepy. â€Å"So where are you two kids going?†â€Å"Mexi – oh, Adrian's not going with me. I'm going with someone else.†â€Å"Really?†He slid the squirrel back across the counter. â€Å"I'm surprised. I always figured when you two left here, you went home and had your own private ‘training sessions.'†I felt myself turning bright red. â€Å"No! It's not like – I mean, we're just friends, sir.†â€Å"I had a friend like that once. Silver Tooth Sally.†He got that faraway expression that always came on when he had an anecdote to share. â€Å"I'm sorry, did you say – â€Å" â€Å"Never met a woman like Sally,†he interrupted. â€Å"We fought our way across Switzerland together, always watching each other's backs. We finally got out alive – just barely – and she wanted to come back to the States and settle down. Not me. I had dreams, you see. I was a young man then, drawn to danger and glory. I left her and went off to live with an Orcadian shaman. It took two years and a lot of vision quests to realize my mistake, but when I got back, I couldn't find her. When I close my eye at night, I can still see that tooth sparkle like a star. It haunts me, girl. It haunts me.†I frowned. â€Å"I don't think the Orcadians have vision quests, sir. Or shamans.†Wolfe leaned forward and shook a finger at me, his eye wide. â€Å"Learn from my mistakes, girl. Don't go to the Orkneys. You don't need some mystical vision to see what's in front of you, you hear me?†I gulped. â€Å"Yes, sir.†I hurried out after that, thinking that being in a different country from Malachi Wolfe might be a good thing. The next morning, I prepared to tell Jill goodbye, but she beat me to it and showed up at my door. It was the first time we'd truly spoken since the morning after that last dream with Adrian. She walked into my room and frowned when she saw the suitcase. â€Å"You're really going?†â€Å"Yes. And I'm sure you know why.†She crossed her arms and looked me straight in the eye, without any of the reservation she'd shown last time. I had trouble holding that stare. â€Å"Sydney, don't leave Adrian because of me.†â€Å"It's more complicated than that,†I said automatically. â€Å"It's really not,†she said. â€Å"From everything I've seen and heard, you're just afraid. You've always controlled every detail of your life. When you couldn't – like with the Alchemists – you found a way to seize back that control.†â€Å"There's nothing wrong with wanting control,†I snapped. â€Å"Except that we can't always have it, and sometimes that's a good thing. A great thing, even,†she added. â€Å"And that's how it is with Adrian. No matter how hard you try, you aren't going to be able to control your feelings for him. You can't help loving him, and so you're running away. I'm just an excuse.†Who was she to lecture me like this? â€Å"You think I'm lying about how awkward it is for you to see everything that happens between us? Every intimate detail is on display. I can't do that. I can't live like that.†â€Å"Adrian's learned to.†â€Å"Well, he's had to.†â€Å"Exactly.†Some of her fierceness mellowed. â€Å"Sydney, he brought me back from the dead. It's the greatest thing anyone can or will do for me. I can't pay him back, but I can let him live his life the way he wants to. I don't expect him to shelter me because of the bond, and I'm not going to judge him – or you. Someday, he and I will learn to block each other.†â€Å"Someday,†I reiterated. â€Å"Yes. And until then, we do the best we can. All you're doing by leaving is making three people miserable.†â€Å"Three?†I frowned. â€Å"I'm helping you.†â€Å"Do you really think I'm happy when he's miserable? Do you think I like the darkness that crawls over him?†When I said nothing, she pushed forward. â€Å"Look, I don't have the same physical reaction to you that he does, but when he's with you, he's so full of joy . . . it radiates through to me, and it's one of the greatest experiences I've ever had. I've never been in love like you guys are.†â€Å"I'm not – †I couldn't say it, and she gave me a knowing look. I tried a different tactic. â€Å"Staying here is dangerous, especially with him. The Alchemists might find out about everything – him, my tattoo, Ms. Terwilliger, and God knows what else.†â€Å"And if they don't find out, look at what you get. Adrian. The rest of us. Magic. The chance to uncover their secrets. I know you love this life. Why would you give it up? You're too smart to get caught. We'll help you. Do you really think Marcus and his Merry Men can do that much fighting when they're always on the run?†I shook my head. â€Å"They're like me. They understand me.†She was obstinate. â€Å"They aren't like you at all. They talk. You act.†It was so surprising to see her like this, so confident and so much wiser than her years. It was also a little irritating. If she was so wise, why couldn't she understand how much was at stake? â€Å"Jill, staying is a big risk – in all ways.†â€Å"Of course it is!†she exclaimed, her eyes flashing with anger. â€Å"Any life worth living is going to have risks. If you go to Mexico, you'll regret it – and I think you know that.†My phone rang, cutting off my next response. It was Eddie. He rarely called, and panic seized me. â€Å"What's wrong?†I demanded. He sounded mystified. â€Å"I wouldn't say anything's wrong . . . just surprising. Is Jill with you? You guys should really come down. We're outside†He hung up, and I was left totally confused. â€Å"What's up?†asked Jill. â€Å"Something surprising, apparently.†She and I went down to the lobby, with no more mention of Adrian. When we stepped outside, we found Eddie and Angeline pointedly avoiding eye contact with each other. Standing near them was a tall, good-looking guy with neatly trimmed black hair and bright blue eyes. He wore a stern, serious expression and was scanning the area. â€Å"He's a dhampir,†Jill murmured to me. His eyes locked onto us at our approach, and that fierce look relaxed. â€Å"Jill, Sydney,†said Eddie. â€Å"This is Neil Raymond. He's going to be joining us here.†Neil swept Jill a bow so low, it was a wonder he didn't hit the ground. â€Å"Princess Jillian,†he said in a deep voice. â€Å"It's an honor to serve you, and I'll do so to the best of my abilities, even if it means sacrificing my own life.†Jill took a step back, her eyes wide as she took him in. â€Å"Th-thank you.†Eddie looked back and forth between them, a small frown appearing on his face. â€Å"Neil's been sent as backup. I guess you filed some complaint about Jill not having enough protection?†That was to me, and unless I was mistaken, there was an accusatory note in his voice. â€Å"No – I. Oh. I guess I kind of did.†When I'd been trying to do damage control with Stanton, one of my grievances had been that I never felt Jill was safe. I guess this was Stanton's response. It was surprising, just as Eddie had said, but more eyes on her couldn't hurt. From the way she was sizing Neil up, she certainly didn't seem to mind either. I shook his hand. â€Å"Nice to have you around, Neil. Are they passing you off as another cousin?†â€Å"Just a new student,†he said. That was probably just as well. Our â€Å"family†was in danger of taking over Amberwood. I would've liked to learn a little more about him, but my time was up. Marcus was picking me up soon to go to the train station, seeing as Latte had been declared totaled. I guess that was a different sort of closure, albeit a sad kind. I told them all goodbye as I left to get my suitcase, acting as though I just had to run an errand. Eddie, Angeline, and Jill knew the truth, and I could see the hurt and regret in their eyes – especially Jill. I prayed they'd be okay without me. When I came back downstairs, I found Jill was the only one still there. â€Å"I forgot to give you this,†she said, handing over a small envelope. My name was on the outside, and I recognized the writing. â€Å"I've been trying to get a hold of him and thought he might be avoiding me. This is his goodbye, huh?†I felt disappointed that I wouldn't be able to see Adrian in person one last time. Maybe a letter was better than nothing, but I wished I could have left with those beautiful eyes fresh in my mind. â€Å"Is he . . . is he really upset?†I couldn't stand the thought of him hurting. â€Å"Read the letter,†she said mysteriously. â€Å"And remember, Sydney. This isn't about me. This is about you guys. You can control everything else, but not this. Let go, and accept how you feel.†We left on that note, and I went outside to sit on the curb and wait for Marcus. I stared at the envelope, looking at the way Adrian had written my name. Three times I nearly opened it . . . but chickened out each time. Finally, I saw Marcus drive in, and the envelope disappeared into my purse. As soon as he picked me up, he began talking excitedly about the big plans ahead. I barely heard. All I kept thinking about was Adrian and how empty my life was going to seem without him. Marcus and I were meeting Wade and Amelia at the train station, but I couldn't picture any of them understanding me like Adrian – even if they were human and shared the same background. None of them would have his dry wit or uncanny insight. And simmering beneath all those emotions were the more heated memories . . . the way we'd kissed, the way it had felt to be wrapped up in him. . . . â€Å"Sydney? Are you even paying attention?†I blinked and glanced over at Marcus. I think it was another of those moments where he couldn't believe someone wasn't hanging on to his every word. â€Å"Sorry,†I said. â€Å"My mind's somewhere else.†He grinned. â€Å"Well, shift it to beaches and margaritas because your life's about to change.†It was always beaches and margaritas with him. â€Å"You left out the part about us sealing the tattoo. Unless your tattooist is also a bartender.†â€Å"There you go again, funny and beautiful.†He laughed. â€Å"We're going to have a great time.†â€Å"How long will we be down there?†â€Å"Well, we'll take care of the tattoos first. That's the most important thing.†I was relieved to see him taking that seriously. â€Å"Then we'll lie low, enjoy the sights for a few weeks. After that, we'll come back and follow some leads on other dissatisfied Alchemists.†â€Å"And then you'll repeat the process?†I asked. In the rear-view mirror, I could see the Palm Springs skyline disappearing as we drove north. I felt a pang of longing in my chest. â€Å"Get others to retrieve critical information and then free them?†â€Å"Exactly.†We drove in silence for another minute as I processed his words. â€Å"Marcus, what do you do with that information you gather? I mean, what are you going to do about Master Jameson?†â€Å"Keep finding more evidence,†he said promptly. â€Å"This is the biggest lead we've ever had. Now we can really push forward in finding out more.†â€Å"It's more than a lead. Why not leak it to the Moroi?†â€Å"The Alchemists would deny it. Besides, we don't want to be hasty.†â€Å"So what if they do deny it?†I demanded. â€Å"At least the Moroi will have a heads-up.†He glanced over at me with a look that reminded me of a parent trying to be patient with a child. Ahead of us, I saw a sign for the train station. â€Å"Sydney, I know you're eager, but trust me. This is the way we've always done things.†â€Å"I don't know that it's the right way, though.†â€Å"You have a lot of ideas for someone who just joined up.†He chuckled. I wished he'd stop doing that. â€Å"Just wait, and then you'll understand.†I didn't like his condescending attitude. â€Å"I think I already understand. And you know what? I don't think you guys do anything. I mean, you've uncovered some amazing information . . . but then what? You keep waiting. You run away and skulk around. How is this really helping? Your intentions are good . . . but that's all they are.†I could almost hear Jill's voice: They talk. You act. Ironically, Marcus was speechless. â€Å"You could do so much,†I continued. â€Å"When I first found out about you, you seemed to hold all the potential in the world. Technically, you still do. But it's being wasted.†He pulled into the train station's parking lot, still looking utterly stunned. â€Å"Where the hell is this coming from?†he asked at last. â€Å"Me,†I said. â€Å"Because I'm not like you guys. I can't do nothing. I can't run away. And . . . I can't go with you.†It felt good to say that . . . and it also felt right. All week, my brain had been telling me the right thing to do was to walk away before things with Adrian and the Alchemists blew up. And yes, that probably was the smart thing. My heart had never entirely been on board, but I'd tried to ignore it. It wasn't until I'd listened to both Jill and Marcus that I realized just this once, my brain might have to opt for the less logical solution. I had to give Marcus credit. He actually looked concerned and wasn't just put out at not getting his way. â€Å"Sydney I know how attached you are to this place and these people, but it's not safe for you here. It's not safe for you anywhere, not as long as the Alchemists are watching. Not as long as your tattoo is vulnerable.†â€Å"Someone told me any life worth living has risks,†I said, unable to hide a smile. I never thought I'd be quoting Jill. Marcus slammed his fist against the dashboard. â€Å"That's sentimental bullshit! It sounds good in theory, but the reality is completely different.†â€Å"What kind of reality could you have created if you'd stayed with the Alchemists?†I asked. â€Å"How much could you have uncovered?†â€Å"Nothing if I was caught,†he said flatly. â€Å"And no matter how useless you think we are, I've freed dozens of Alchemists. I've helped Clarence and other Moroi.†â€Å"You aren't useless, Marcus. You do good work, but we're just not on the same path, that's all. I'm staying and doing things my way. Isn't that what you said when we first met? Helping the Moroi on our own terms? These are mine.†â€Å"You're wasting your time!†â€Å"It's my time to waste,†I said. Adrian had said exactly the same thing to me on the flight to the wedding, when I'd told him he couldn't keep loving me. I felt bad for Marcus. I really did, especially since he'd truly been counting on me to come with him. He caught hold of my hand. â€Å"Sydney, please don't do this,†he begged. â€Å"No matter how confident you feel, no matter how careful you think you are, things will spiral out of control.†â€Å"They already have,†I said, opening the passenger door. â€Å"And I'm going to stop fighting them. Thank you for everything, Marcus. I mean it.†â€Å"Wait, Sydney,†he called. â€Å"Just tell me one thing.†I glanced back and waited. â€Å"Where did this come from? When you called me to tell me you were coming, you said you'd realized it was the smart thing to do. What made you change your mind?†I gave him a smile that I hoped was as dazzling as one of his. â€Å"I realized I'm in love.†Marcus, startled, looked around as though he expected to see my objet d'amour in the car with us. â€Å"And you just realized that? Did you just have some sort of vision?†â€Å"Didn't need to,†I said, thinking of Wolfe's ill-fated trip to the Orkneys. â€Å"It's always been right in front of me.â€
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Originally a lyric signified a song sung to the accompaniment of a lyre. Thus lyric still carries the sense of a poem written to be set to music. A lyric Is a common short poem uttered by a single speaker who is expressing his state of mind very often in solitude. In dramatic lyric the speaker is represented as addressing another person in a specific situation like the poem Connotation by John Done. The genre comprehends a great variety of utterances from say the Dramatic Monologues of Browning complex evolution of feeling in the long elegy and the meditative ode.The recess of observation, thought, memory and feelings may be organized in a variety of ways in deferent lyrical expressions. Lyric is a poem in which the poet writes about his thoughts and feelings. The basic type Is the song, but we use the term to cover all poems that present the poet's Immediate response to life, Including sonnets odes and elegies. Lyric poem deals with a range of experiences such as love, death, nature or religion or some domestic, social or political issue *Abstract Poem: It is a term used by Dame Edith Stilwell for verse that depends chiefly upon its auditory values for Its meaning.Such poetry Is analogous to abstract painting In which the arrangement of colors and shapes is significant though no physical objects are represented. Words are employed with little regard for their usual connotations, but rather for their aural effectiveness in a pattern of full and approximate rhymes and in the manipulation of rhythm. Stillwell own poems In the collection called Facade exemplify the type: These lines from her â€Å"Hornpipe†where, we hear, the dumb Sky rhinoceros-glum Watched the courses of the breakers' rocking-horses and with Glacis Lady Venus on he settee of the horsehair sea! Ambiguity: In ordinary usage the term ambiguity means a vague or equivocal expression. Since William Meson published his Seven types of Ambiguity (1930) the term has widely been used to refer to a poetic device: the use of a single word or expression to signify two or more distinct references, or to express two or more diverse attitudes or feelings. Multiple meaning and popularization are alternative terms for the use of language. Egg: in the play Antonym and Cleopatra when Shakespeare makes Cleopatra say â€Å"Come thou mortal wretch.. He implies a double edge to the word â€Å"mortal. Here it Implies both that the asp Is â€Å"fatal†or â€Å"death- dealing†and at the same time It Is Itself subject to death. *oddball: The popular ballad also called the folk ballad is the song, transmitted orally which tells a story. Ballads are thus the narrative species of folk songs, which originate and are communicated orally among illiterate or partly literate people. In all probability the original version of a ballad is composed by a single author, but he or she Is unknown; and each singer who learns and repeats an oral ballad is apt to introduce changes in OTOH the t ext and the tune, it exists in many variant forms.Typically the popular ballad is dramatic, condensed and impersonal: the narrator begins with the climax and tells the story tersely by means of action and dialogues, sometimes by means of dialogue alone and tells It without self-reference or the expression of personal attitudes or feelings. The most common stanza form called the ballad stanza- is a 1 OFF lines rhyme. Egg: this ballad from â€Å"Sir Patrick Spend†The King sits in Dumpling town, Drinking the blued-red wine: â€Å"O what will I get a GUID sailor, To sail this ship of mine? *Fabian verse: Consists of unrushed iambic (v pentameter (five iambic verse) hence the term â€Å"blank. †Of all the English metrical forms it is closest to the natural rhythms of English speech and at the same time flexible and adaptive to diverse levels of poetic discourse and hence has been more frequently and widely used than any other type of versification. Shakespeare made wide use of the blank verse in his famous soliloquies. *Aegis: It denotes any poem written in elegiac meter (alternating hexameter and pentameter lines).The term was used, however, to refer to the subject matter of change and loss. In the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the elegies were love poems that related to the sense of elegy as lament in that many of them emphasizes mutability and loss. It is in the latter part of the seventeenth century that the term elegy began to be limited to its most common present usage; a formal and sustained lament in verse on the death of a particular person usually ending in consolation. Examples are: W.H Addend's In Memory of W B Yeats', Alfred Lord Tennyson In Memoriam. The dirge is also a versified expression of grief on the occasion of a particular person's death but differs from the elegy in that it is short and is less formal and is meant as a text to be sung. An important variant of the elegy is the pastoral elegy which represents both th e poet and the one he mourns as shepherds. Million's Lucidly is a fine example of pastoral elegy. *Free Verse: It is also called â€Å"open form†or by the French term verse libber.Like traditional verse it is printed in short lines instead of with the continuity of prose. However it differs from regular erase in that its rhythmic pattern is not organized into a regular metrical form?that is into feet, or recurrent units of weak and strong stressed syllables. Most free verse also has irregular line lengths, and either lacks rhyme or else is used only sporadically. The King James translation of the Biblical Psalms and Song of Solomon are examples of free verse.The following section from Longboats Hughes' free verse poem â€Å"Mother to Son†Well, son, I'll tell you: Life for me anti been no crystal stair. It's had tacks in it, And splinters, ND boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor? Bare. *Sonnet: Sonnet is a lyric poem of fourteen iambic pentameter lin es linked by an intricate rhyme scheme. The Italian or Patriarchal sonnet falls into two main parts: an octave and a sestets. The octave is of eight lines rhyming baobab, this is followed by a asset a six line stanza rhyming CDC.The octave presents the theme in the first quatrain and develops it in the second. The sestets dwells on it and brings it to a logical conclusion in the final trace. The Patriarchal form was later used for a variety of subjects by English poets like Milton, Wordsmith Christina Rosette and so on. The the English sonnet or the Shakespearean sonnet after its greatest practitioner. This sonnet falls into three quatrains and a concluding couplet with a rhyme scheme ABA CDC beef egg. These sonnets usually deal hopes of love and themes like pangs of separation.One notable variant of this form is the Spenserian sonnet in which Spencer linked each quatrain to the next by a continuing rhyme: ABA Bcc CDC e. The English form often repeats with variation a statement in e ach of the three quatrains, however in either of the case the final couplet usually imposes a final epigrammatic turn to the whole theme. *Epic: It is a long verse narrative on a serious subject, told in a formal and elevated style, and centered on a heroic or quasi- divine figure on whose actions depend the fate of a whole tribe, a nation or as in John Million's Paradise Lost the human race.The epic was ranked by Aristotle as second only to tragedy and by many Renaissance critics as the highest of all genres. Literary epics are highly conventional compositions and usually share the following features. 1 . The hero is a figure of great national or even cosmic importance. In ‘Iliad he is the Greek warrior Achilles, who is the son of the sea nymph Thesis and Virgin's Names is the son of the goddess Aphrodite. 2. The setting of the poem is ample in scale and could be the whole world or even vaster. . The actions involve superhuman deeds in battle, such as Achilles' feats in the T rojan War or the long arduous wanderings of Odysseus on his way back to his homeland. 4. An the great actions Gods and other supernatural beings take an interest and an active part. 5. An epic poem is a ceremonial performance and is narrated in a ceremonial style which is deliberately assistance from the ordinary speech and rendered in a language in keeping with the grandeur of the heroic subject.The epic conventions like beginning with an invocation to the muse to guide the narrator in the great undertaking are also very often observed. The term epic is also applied by extension, to narratives which differ in many aspects from this model but manifest the epic grandeur and spirit in the scale scope and the profound human importance of their subject. Herman Melville Mob Dick, Leo Tolstoy War and Peace both serve as examples of what is called epic ration. *Ode: A long lyric poem that is serious in subject and treatment elevated in style and elaborate in its stanza structure.The protot ype of an ode was established by the Greek poet Poniard whose odes were modeled on the songs by the chorus in Greek drama. The complex stanzas of an ode were patterned in sets of three: moving in dance rhythm to the left is chanted the strophe; moving to the right is chanted the antiheroes then standing still at the centre is the epode. The regular Pandemic ode in English is written in the Pandemic form with the strophe and intentions written in one stanza pattern and all the epode in a different stanza pattern.The Pandemic odes were written in necromantic style; that is they were written to praise and glorify someone. The Pandemic odes were written to celebrate and glorify the victorious athletes in the Olympic Games. The English odes true to its Greek prototype were songs that were written in praise of someone or something. They were written to eulogies something that aroused the poet's sensibility. Keats' Ode on a Grecian Urn is a eulogy to the beauty etched on an Urn that the po et sees.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Change Management Plans for Secure IT Systems (CSOs role in approving Essay
Change Management Plans for Secure IT Systems (CSOs role in approving changes) - Essay Example This includes the issue of online business transaction where IT and network are key components in ensuring efficient and effective transactions. Teams on network operations are trying to make improvements to the quality of the IT quality for the reason of meeting customer needs. These organizations and industries, therefore, to achieve the improvements have examined the processes in the areas of change management that the network changes are a source of downtime (Peters, 2000). These management changes need to be done due to various reasons. These reasons include; The change management in this sector ensures that there are efficient and prompt standardized ways and procedures in handling of all changes. It also leads to recording of configuration items and the changes to service assets in the management system. There is also support for business goals and wants due to the authorized changes, and business risk is reduced. Then the changes are managed to reduce the exposure of risk, reduce the impact of interruption and enhance successfulness of the management changes (Jacques, 2005). Management change provides required information and provides guidance on different size and kinds of organizations and changes that are either simple or complex changes for each lifecycle stage. It also shows the major and minor changes and the different levels of funding and budget to enhance effective change. The change management ensures that the business changing customers’ requirements are met by maximizing the value, minimizing the incidents, interruption, maximizing, and improving the network. It ensures the IT and businesses want requests are met, and there is a large room for information technology. There is management change in modifying, adding or removal of authorized service to meet the effective demands. This need for change erupts due to various reasons aimed at effectiveness. These
Friday, September 27, 2019
Tax Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tax - Essay Example ng that some assets are tax free and if one’s gains in a year become less than his or her tax-free allowance, the person is not required to pay the capital gains tax. The paper analyzes aspects of the capital gains tax based on Susan’s case. Susan’s mode of shares’ disposal will determine whether she will pay the capital gains tax or not. If she can manage to evade the tax, it will be for the good of the company. There are instances that one can dispose of assets in a tax free way. Disposing assets can be done through selling it, giving the asset away as a gift, swapping the asset for another one and getting compensation for the asset may be when it gets destroyed or lost. It is well recorded that it could not be possible for transferring the shares to her son. This is because there were strains between her son and her. Similarly, the son did not have material funds (Cordes 2005, p.5). These two instances make it difficult for Susan to dispose the shares with immediate effect. This is because she feels the ownership of the company should remain in the family. The only available way of disposing the shares immediately was selling the shares to an investor. It is well recorded that she had been approached by an investor. If she decides to sell the shares at this time she will have to pay capital gains tax (Thomas 2004, p.10). This is because sale of shares is in the docket of disposal way that is liable of being paid the capital gains tax. The best time for Susan to dispose the shares is not yet and the best person to dispose to is her son since the company will remain fully owned by the family and the disposal will take place tax free. Sale of assets like shares and real estate is the most common manner in which an individual capital loss or capital gain. The capital gains tax is also applicable to the intangible assets like business goodwill. Disposal of shares at a later date can be advantageous than selling them now. According to the 2014
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Racial tension Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Racial tension - Essay Example (US Census 2003-7).In colleges Africans Americans are half the rate of the whites, they are about 14% while the whites are about 24%.The improving Educational standards have promoted the improvement of race relations with in the African American and the white population.(Jackson 2008).Ever since the modern African American population has started to take more interest in education and more and more African Americans are graduating from the different universities through out America, and the percentage increase in African American literacy has gone up as well.(Jackson 2008). If we look at the history of race relations in America in the educational context the Afro American minority was largely suppressed in terms of education and learning opportunities. Racist attitudes locked the doors of opportunities for these enslaved people and even after they gained freedom the minority ignored education as a tool for survival. (Jackson 2008).They lacked the right of suffrage until the advent of the democratic trend of Civil rights and liberties and initiatives like the American Creed during the early 1940’s by Gunnar Myrdal. It was indeed Myrdal who wrote in his book famously (quoted in Jackson 2008) The ideals of the essential dignity of the individual human being, of fundamental equality of all men, and of certain inalienable rights to freedom, justice, and a fair opportunity represent to the American people the essential meaning of the nation’s early struggle for independence. . . . These tenets were written into the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and into the Constitutions of the several states. . (p. 4) These movements and initiatives were aimed at resolving their problems and to ensure equality and justice amongst all races. (Jackson 2008).A key role was played by Martin Luther king who was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement. One of the landmark decisions/events in the
M4A1 PART A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
M4A1 PART A - Essay Example Schein (2010) has rightly affirmed that a common pattern of basic assumptions should be shared among the group members so that they can effectively solve the problems; when everyone has the same set of values and norms, then internal integration and external adaptation becomes easier and it has worked positively for the overall organization. The new members of an organization should be taught the same way of perceiving, thinking and feeling about the problems so that the conflicts are avoided. Hence, it is stated by Schein that an effective manager has to ensure that he/she advances in the organizational studies by observing the real behavior of the workforce which are labeled as values, assumptions and artifacts (Bohlander & Snell, 2007). According to Jung et al. (2009), Schein categorized the signals of cultures and subcultures in three stages; the first stage is known as ‘artifacts’ which are the attributes that are evident as they can be heard, felt and seen such as dressing style, communication medium, tone of voice, stories and etc. Artifacts are in the form of company’s mission, slogans, written communication mediums and slogans; all of them are easy for observation but challenging for deciphering (Cameron & Quinn, 2011). The second stage is known as ‘values’ which is slightly complicated in nature but are observable to a certain extent. For instance, during the interview process, a manager can make some judgment about the candidate’s values by observing him/her. Finally, in the third stage which is known as ‘basic assumptions’ are the most difficult ones to be observed as they are deeply embedded in the person’s behavior. They behavior becomes evident when the person starts working in the organization. Hence, all of these stages combine to define the attention aspect for the HR manager because it
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Social Welfare Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Social Welfare Program - Essay Example This essay stresses that the social security welfare program has several goals that it intends to meet. For instance, they aim at providing for the needy in the community. They are also determined in providing the economic security that the American people desperately need. Doing so would require them to maintain maximum freedom in the economic lives of the American people. This paper declares that the provision of social insurance has been instrumental in the success of the program. Social insurance addresses the concept of economic security. The basic behide social insurance is that people make contributions to a centralized fund. The fund provides income to individuals who happen to find their income un-sustaining and give back after a period of time. Social insurance emphasizes on the social suitability of benefits. In its system, individuals who previously earned less income receive a higher benefit than those with higher earnings. It is this mechanism that has helped the system to grow in terms of benefits which is not applied by private insurance organizations. Social welfare has a number of aspects that contribute to its effectiveness. Provision of social insurance is one of those strengthening aspect to the program. Social insurance has been instrumental in empowering citizens. This is because it is a contribution made by people so that it can helps them get income later on. The concept provides a form of economic security to people. It enables them to provide for themselves even at old age when they cannot work.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Social Media Marketing Plan for Automotive Dealership Assignment
Social Media Marketing Plan for Automotive Dealership - Assignment Example As the paper declares the Company is an automotive dealership company that is currently located in Los Angeles, California. The company is a partnership whereby I am one of the directors who aspire to take the company to the next level. We plan to launch the company’s website and blog so that the company can have more online presence. The business will deal with cars from various carmakers. In essence, the company will operate as an intermediary between car manufacturers and the customers so that customers can buy their preferred cars efficiently and effectively. According to the report findings considering the nature of the automobile industry, it is critical to stay in touch with the customers. The close interaction via social media sites will enhance customer satisfaction through real-time feedback and support. The company has been operational for the past five years but its profit margins have not expanded to reflect its age. In this regard, the company will adopt an online marketing plan that will see the sales skyrocket within the next five years. Social media provides the best platform for such a proposal, considering the significant number of active social media users. Over the five years that the company has been in operation, it has gained strength in many areas and suffered some weaknesses. The strengths that the company boasts of outweigh its weaknesses. The company plans to use its experience in sales and marketing to market its products and services over various social media platforms.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXERCISE MODULE 6 - Assignment Example In risk identification, lists of possible risks are generated through risk profiling, brainstorming along with problem identification. In risk assessment, the vulnerability of the risks are analyzed and measured (MacCrimmon Wehrung, & Stanbury, 2006). In risk response development, the risks manager identifies all the activities which aim in reducing the likelihood of the risks from happening. These include; risk mitigation, risk avoidance, risk transfer and risk retaining. However, in risk response control, the risks managers establish a change management system and risk control such as initiating contingency plans while monitoring, tracking and reporting risk (Lientz & Larssen, 2006). 2. Explain the relationship between risk and cost during the project life cycle (5 Points) The relationship between risk and cost during a project life cycle is that, on the basis of uncertainty, risk management cost under certainty while risk loss cost under uncertainty. During project development, th e project developer has to balance cost and risk by understanding their relationships as well as, developing a learning organization from cost and risks lessons. During the project development, the cost and risk are very high. ... The project change control is significant because it allows the project team to identify, evaluate, approve as well as, document the proposed changes to the project baseline. First, the process is initiated a change request. The change request is a formal mechanism used to propose and assess a deviation to the project being developed. After the change request is evaluated, there is approval that is granted at an appropriate level after which the change request becomes a change order for implementation (Larson & Gray, 2003). Second process is where the change order is communicated to the affected parties along with cooperating them in the project baseline in that data integrity is preserved and budgets reconciled across the project documentation such as work Authorization Document (MacCrimmon Wehrung, & Stanbury, 2006). In change control process, the three phases such as request change, review phase and documentation phase are accomplished in request change phase, appropriate classifi cation is determined, however, for the review phase, assessment of a proposed change request is accomplished while the approval is obtained from an appropriate authority level. Lastly, the approved changes are thus implemented and the integrated project baseline documents are revised in the document phase (Lientz & Larssen, 2006). Silver Fiddle Construction Case Potential risks associated with the project Risks are events which its occurrence can cause positive or negative effects on the project’s objectives. However, risk management helps in identifying, assessing, responding, monitoring as well as, reporting of the risks. For the Silver Fiddle Construction Case, the risk management plan will define how risks associated
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Reactivity series for common metals experiment Essay Example for Free
Reactivity series for common metals experiment Essay Aim To see if a common metal is reactive or strong enough to replace/push out/displace another common metal from its liquid compound. Hypothesis My prediction will be: the most reactive metal shown by the reactivity series will show if the metal can displace or not the metal in the compound. For example my hypothesis in a reaction of Mg and Pb is that; Mg being a more reactive metal in the reactivity series will displace Pb, a least reactive metal in the series. Equipment 1. A chart with spaces big enough to proceed with the reaction. With the names of each different metals. For obvious reasons put an x from the top left corner to the inferior left corner. 2. A glass bigger than the chart for the paper for protection of it. 3. Each solid metal and metal compound for the reaction: Solid Metals: Magnesium (4), Copper(4), Iron(4), Zinc(4), Lead(4). Liquid Metal Compounds: Copper Sulphate, Iron Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate, Zinc Nitrate, Lead Nitrate. 4. A teat pipette. 5. Another table, but smaller, to record data. Procedure/Method 1. Get all required elements you are going to need, this elements are listed above. 2. Put the glass on top of the table of reactions. 3. Clean all metals, until they are shiny and clean. 4. Place 4 times the same metal on its corresponding column and different square; for all the metals(5). 5. Add carefully with the teat pipette one or two drops of the metal compound indicated directly onto the solid metal. 6. Observe for changes, take into account that if the texture or color are altered, it means that there has been displacement, reaction. 7. Write your observations. 8. Results should be written in a neat table, as tick if there was reaction, X if there was none and ? If not sure. 9. Analyze and conclude from your data. Data Analysis From the table above, we can conclude that the most reactive metal is Magnesium (Mg), since it reacts with all the metal compounds except itself (Magnesium Sulphate). Then will come Zinc (Zn) , reacting with 2 Metal Compounds. Iron(Fe) will be less reactive than Zn and reacting with only 1 Metal Compound. Finally the least reactive Solid Metal will be Copper and Lead, reacting with none metal compounds. Conclusion 1. Write down the order of reactivity you found: Based on the graphic above; the reactivity order i found: 3. Suggest why some squares were marked with an X on the grid. The diagonal squares in the grid from top left hand corner to lower right hand corner were marked with an X because it is pretty obvious that a metal can not displace the same metal on the compound; because it has the same reactivity and atoms on the last shell in the atom. So for example, Copper will not displace Copper on the compound: Copper Sulphate. 4. Referring to your text book. Is there any metal that does not seem to be behaving as its position says it should? Can you find any reasons for this? Well referring to the reaction series there are some metals i found which do not fit in the reaction series, this are Copper and Lead; well copper and lead should not be tied, the reactivity series show that Lead is more reactive than copper, and by this it should be first in the reactivity order. i think there are 2 possible ways to explain why this happens: Since the results we did were not very accurate and Lead and Copper are very close in the reactivity series, maybe we did not noticed the reaction of Lead or Copper, or maybe there wasnt in neither of them, well it is very possible that the reaction of them was not too noticeable to see the difference between them, but even though there was. The other possible way, could be that the metals werent very clean before we tested them, and so this could have altered and prevented a reaction in Lead. Evaluation In general we did a great effort with my teammate in the lab, we applied exactly two drops of the metal compound to the metal solid, tried every metal to be clean , but unfortunately we needed machinery to polish every single metal but we did not had it, we just had to do our best at trying to polish them. Another problem we did had, was to handle the spaces and the arrangement of the metals within their boxes in the lab; well we applied a small square to each experiment, we frequently had the metal compound spreading into other boxes, damaging the fair results of the other experiments. One solution could be to apply bigger spaces and arrange each metal at the center of its box.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Trichomonas Vaginalis and HIV in Asymptomatic Pregnant Women
Trichomonas Vaginalis and HIV in Asymptomatic Pregnant Women PREVALENCE OF TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS AND HIV CO-INFECTION AMONG ASYMPTOMATIC PREGNANT WOMEN IN ZARIA, NORTHERN NIGERIA ABSTRACT Background: Trichomonas vaginalis is the most common curable sexually transmitted infection worldwide. Serious adverse reproductive health outcomes including pregnancy complications, pelvic inflammatory disease, and an increased risk of HIV acquisition have been linked to Trichomonas vaginalis infection. Objective: To determine the prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis in asymptomatic pregnant women and their HIV status in Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital Zaria, Northern Nigeria. Methodology: A prospective cross-sectional descriptive study, using a proforma to obtain demographic and reproductive health information from consenting pregnant women attending antenatal clinic. Vaginal swab and blood samples was taken and analysed for Trichomonas vaginalis and HIV respectively. Data was analysed using SPSS V17 with p value of significance was set at 0.05. Results: The overall prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis was 19.2%.There was an inverse relationship between the level of education and acquisition of Trichomonas vaginalis infection in pregnancy; women having no formal education had a higher prevalence of the Trichomonas vaginalis infection (7.5%) as against those who had tertiary education (1.7%). The 26- 30 years age group had the highest prevalence of both HIV infection (5.0%) and Trichomonas vaginalis infection (5.8%); strongly suggesting the possibility of co-infection between the two agents. There was a statistically significant association between Trichomonas vaginalis infection and HIV infection with a P value of 0.0003. The relative risk of acquiring HIV in the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis infection was 4. (RR 4.193 confidence Interval 1.756-10.01). Conclusion: Improvement of the socioeconomic status and education of women especially sexual health; will reduce the prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis and HIV co-infection. Keywords: Pregnancy, Trichomonas vaginalis, HIV infection INTRODUCTION Trichomonas vaginalis has continued to cause serious adverse reproductive health outcomes including pregnancy complications, pelvic inflammatory disease, and an increased risk of HIV acquisition1 The magnitude of social and economic consequences of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in developing countries has made it a major public health problem. 2, 3 STIs are also found in pregnant women and the prevalence is higher in Africa causing significant maternal and perinatal morbidity. 3-5 Trichomonas vaginalis is a unicellular flagellate protozoan organisms that cause STI.6 Many STIs including those due to Trichomonas, can be transmitted to the fetus via transplacental spread or by passage through the birth canal and via lactation to the neonate. 6 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and other Reproductive Tract Infections (RTIs) have been associated with a number of adverse pregnancy outcomes which includes abortion, stillbirth, preterm delivery, low birth weight, postpartum sepsis, neonatal pneumonia, neonatal blindness congenital infection. 2-5, 7 Recent research has shown that having one untreated STI increases the risk of contracting another potentially more dangerous one, like Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection if there is exposure. 8, 9Trichomoniasis in pregnancy has been reported to impacts adversely on birth outcomes and is also a co-factor in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) transmission and acquisition. 10, 11 Clinical infection with Trichomonas vaginalis in the neonate is an unusual occurrence and has been reported in a two weeks old girl child presenting with vaginal discharge with complete resolution to metronidazole treatment.12 Due to high frequency of the infection during pregnancy and the development of metronidazole-resistant isolates, therapeutic alternatives to 5-nitroimidazole are being searched like Triterpenes; which are natural products presenting several biological activities such as anti-protozoal activity.13 The prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis infections are typically underestimated due to poor sensitivity of diagnostic tests.6 However, the World Health Organization (WHO) quoted the overall prevalence as 3.1%.6, 14 In Nigeria the prevalence observed in an Enugu study was 6.9%; 15 4.7% was seen in Ilorin16 and 29.8% in Lagos.17 In the sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, Trichomoniasis has neither been the focus of intensive study nor of active control programs, and this neglect is likely a function of the relatively mild nature of the disease. 18 This study explored the rate of Trichomonas infection in pregnancy as well as the level of co-infection with HIV with a view to adding to the growing body of literature and suggests control measures. METHODOLOGY This was a cross sectional study which was conducted over a three month period. Questionnaires were used to obtain the socio-demographic and reproductive profile from consenting clients who were attending antenatal clinic for the first time in their current pregnancy at the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Northern Nigeria. High vaginal swabs and blood specimens for both Trichomonas vaginalis and HIV were obtained and analysed. The data obtained was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 17.0 for windows. The level of significance was considered to be p-value Trichomonas vaginalis and HIV infection was determined using the Epi-Info software. RESULTS A total of 120 women consented for the study. The socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics of the patients are as shown in Table 1.0. The mean age was 28.5 + 2.3years, mean gravidity was 3.5 and 20 weeks was the average gestational age at booking. The overall prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis was 19.2%. The 26-30 years age groups having a value of 5.8% which was closely followed by age group 21-25years with 5.0%. The lowest prevalence was found at age group 36-40years. Low level of education is shown to have a positive impact on the acquisition of vaginal Trichomonas vaginalis. Clients having low level of education had a higher prevalence of the Trichomonas vaginalis; 7.5% was seen in those with Koranic (non-formal) education. The prevalence was however lowest in those who had tertiary education 1.7%.- The highest prevalence was seen in clients who were housewives (10.5%); students and civil servants had the lowest prevalence of 1.7% and 2.5% respectively. Mutigravidae are more likely than primigravidae to have Trichomonas vaginalis infection (15.0% vs. 4.1%). The prevalence was observed to be highest in the second trimester (10.8%) as compared to the first and third trimester which were 5.0% and 3.3% respectively. The frequency distribution of HIV status in the study population among the consenting client is shown in Table 2.0. Sixteen out of 98 were positive for HIV giving a prevalence of 16.3%. Figure 1.0 shows the percentage distribution of HIV by client’s age group. It was observed that HIV was more prevalent in age group 26-30years (5.0%) and was least prevalent in the older age group of 36-40years (0.8%). The relationship between the occurrence of Trichomonas vaginalis and HIV infection is shown in a two by two table (Table 2.0). DISCUSSION The prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis found in this study was 19.2%. The World Health Organization quoted a prevalence of between 3.0- 3.1%6, 14, 19, but added that there was under reporting of the infection. Prevalence rates as high as 29.8% was found in Lagos, Nigeria 17 16.0% was seen in Mwanza, Tanzania20 and a lower rate of 4.7% and 6.9% were found in Ilorin, Nigeria 16 and Enugu, Nigeria15 respectively. A prevalence of 3.7% was seen in a study in Togo.21 Our result compares with that of Tanzania. In the age related prevalence, the study showed a steady increase in prevalence between ages of 16 to 30years, with the highest rate of 5.8% occurring in the age group 26-30years. This may suggest an increasing sexual activities along the age line considering the fact that Trichomonas vaginalis is sexually transmitted. This can also probably explain the decline in prevalence in the older age group with lowest rate of 0.8% at age group 35-40years. There is however a slight variation with the Enugu study which found the highest age related prevalence of 3.7% among the age group 20-25years. There was an inverse relationship between the level of education and acquisition of Trichomonas vaginalis infection in pregnancy; women having no formal education had a higher prevalence of the Trichomonas vaginalis infection (7.5%) as against those who had tertiary education (1.7%). This was consistent with findings in Enugu and Ilorin where low level of education was associated with Trichomonas vaginalis infection. Formal education is associated with improvement in personal hygiene and sexual behavior. The prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis was highest among housewives and least among students; this was unlike the Enugu study that found the highest prevalence to be among the business group. The sociocultural backgrounds of the two environment relatively differs and the lack formal education among housewives in our environment can be a predisposing factor to the acquisition of Trichomonas vaginalis infection. There appears to be a relationship between parity, trimester of pregnancy and infection with Trichomonas vaginalis. Previous pregnancies was recorded in the literature to be a risk factor.10 This study showed a higher prevalence rate among the multigravidae as compared to primigravidae. The prevalence was highest in the second trimester of pregnancy as compared to other trimesters. This findings was similar that of Cotch et al4 in their study of vaginal infections and prematurity; where Trichomonas vaginalis infection was commonest in mid gestation. The mean age at booking was 20 weeks showing that most women were seen in the second trimester when Trichomonas vaginalis infection was more likely to be present. The prevalence of HIV infection in this study was 16.8% which was higher than the national average of 3.4% and Kaduna state average of 9.2%. 22 This may be explained by the fact that most of the clients were in their reproductive years and the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria was a major referral center for the Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in Northern Nigeria. Both HIV and Trichomonas vaginalis infection were highest in the age group 26-30 years; this was strongly suggestive of the possibility of co-infection between the two agents. There was a statistically significant association between Trichomonas vaginalis infection and HIV infection with a P value of 0.0003. There was a four times relative risk of acquiring HIV in the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis infection (RR 4.193 confidence Interval 1.756-10.01). CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Routine screening for STIs like Trichomonas vaginalis during antenatal period should be the standard of care because of its proven benefits on the outcome of pregnancy. Metronidazole which is the treatment option when found, is a cheap, readily available and safe in pregnancy. Additionally, screening for HIV co-infection will add value to healthcare services in the antenatal clinic. Improvement of the socioeconomic status and formal education in women especially sexual health and lifestyle modification is likely to reduce the prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis and HIV co infection. REFERENCE: Coleman JS, Gaydos CA, Witter F. Trichomonas vaginalis Vaginitis in Obstetrics and Gynecology Practice: New Concepts and Controversies. Obstet Gynecol Surv. Jan 2013; 68(1): 43–50. doi: 10.1097/OGX.0b013e318279fb7d Begum A, Nilufar S, Akther K, Rahman A, Khatun F, Rahman M. Prevalence of selected reproductive tract infections among pregnant women attending an urban maternal and childcare unit in Dhaka, Bangladesh. J Health Popul Nutr 2003; 21: 112-6. Muelen J, Mgaya HN, Chang-Claude J, et al. Risk factors for HIV infection in gynaecological inpatients in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 1988-1990. East Afr Med J 1992; 69: 688-92. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019
Computer Hobby :: essays papers
Computer Hobby A Hobby That I Enjoy My favorite past time is to spend time at the computer, even at a tender age I like computer systems. To having a computer was a dream, an almost impossible dream. I had a friend named George at that time, we were in the same school, same grade and we had a very good relationship. At that time he had a computer system and we spend our free time playing games, printing greeting cards, banners, we also did our school home work. It was very nice and playful even then I yearned to own my own computer, so I could spend more time learning how to use the computer. But I liked to have my own computer so I can do my own printings and spend more time learning how to use the computer. One day my parents went for a trip without me because I was in school at that time; so I stay with my grandmother for about five days until my parents got back from their trip. When my folks return home they arrived with a big box with no labels or printings on the outside of the box. My parents always knew that I wanted a computer. I didn't know what was inside of the big brown box until the next day when I saw the computer on my homework table. It was the best day of my life, for that day my dream became reality. It was use but in good shape conditions and working. Now my favorite hobby is computers systems and instead of having a use computer, I have the latest computer and I like to spend a lot time making graphics programs, configuring systems in my new Pentium II 450mhz processor, and playing with my small network system that I have at home. I also like to alter pictures for example take one girl face out and put in another girl or man face that no one would tell that particular picture was altered. I like to write my essays on my computer because I have more fun, my mind is more relaxed and I thing better as oppose to writing with pen. At least it works for me. I'm gland my parents bought me the use computer then because now I know how to use it very well and it will be inside of me for the rest of my life which will help me a lot in the future. Who knows what would have happen if I didn't get the use computer Computer Hobby :: essays papers Computer Hobby A Hobby That I Enjoy My favorite past time is to spend time at the computer, even at a tender age I like computer systems. To having a computer was a dream, an almost impossible dream. I had a friend named George at that time, we were in the same school, same grade and we had a very good relationship. At that time he had a computer system and we spend our free time playing games, printing greeting cards, banners, we also did our school home work. It was very nice and playful even then I yearned to own my own computer, so I could spend more time learning how to use the computer. But I liked to have my own computer so I can do my own printings and spend more time learning how to use the computer. One day my parents went for a trip without me because I was in school at that time; so I stay with my grandmother for about five days until my parents got back from their trip. When my folks return home they arrived with a big box with no labels or printings on the outside of the box. My parents always knew that I wanted a computer. I didn't know what was inside of the big brown box until the next day when I saw the computer on my homework table. It was the best day of my life, for that day my dream became reality. It was use but in good shape conditions and working. Now my favorite hobby is computers systems and instead of having a use computer, I have the latest computer and I like to spend a lot time making graphics programs, configuring systems in my new Pentium II 450mhz processor, and playing with my small network system that I have at home. I also like to alter pictures for example take one girl face out and put in another girl or man face that no one would tell that particular picture was altered. I like to write my essays on my computer because I have more fun, my mind is more relaxed and I thing better as oppose to writing with pen. At least it works for me. I'm gland my parents bought me the use computer then because now I know how to use it very well and it will be inside of me for the rest of my life which will help me a lot in the future. Who knows what would have happen if I didn't get the use computer
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Coronary Artery Disease with a Primary Comorbidity of Type II Diabetes
Rob Geis is a 65-year-old Hispanic male from Cleveland, Ohio. He and his wife were visiting friends in Jacksonville as part of a multi-stop Florida vacation. Rob was brought to the emergency department of St. Vincent Medical Center’s Southside location on the evening of January 27, 2014, by ambulance after he experienced a total loss of consciousness while dining at a restaurant with his wife and a group of friends. Rob has no recollection of the event. His wife reported he stumbled as he was returning from the restroom, but did not fall and was able to make it into his chair at the table. She noticed he did not look well and he was pale. Once he was seated â€Å"his head kept dropping and then he lost consciousness for a few seconds.†His wife said he appeared very gray and sweaty. The emergency responders reported Rob had a low respiratory rate during assessment at the scene. Rob Geis reported he has never before had an episode of syncope. He denied having any heart palpitations, chest pains, or shortness of breath prior to losing consciousness. Prior to the episode he experienced no diaphoresis, fever, chills, dizziness, headache, or neck pain or stiffness. He also had no nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, hematuria, dysuria, focal weakness, or sensory changes. Also, there were no witnessed indications of seizure activity. Prior to the episode Rob Geis had an active day playing golf with friends and had consumed several alcoholic beverages, but these are not unusual activities for him. Rob reported he had experienced upper back pain, which is uncommon for him, while playing golf. His upper back pain had dissipated prior to the episode of syncope. Rob also reported that approximately ... ...& K.L. McCance (Eds.), Understanding pathophysiology (5th ed., pp. 447-476). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Little, T.K. (2013). Assessment of the Cardiovascular System. In D.A. Ignatavicius & M.L. Workman (Eds.), Medical-surgical nursing: Patient centered collaborative care (7th ed., pp. 686-710). St. Louis, MO: Saunders O’Donovan, K. (2012). Management of diabetes and acute coronary syndromes. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 7(8), 370-375. Roger, V.L., Go, A.S., Lloyd-Jones, D.M., Benjamin, E.J., Berry, J.D., Borden, W.B., †¦ Turner, M.B. (2012). Heart disease and stroke statisticsâ€â€2012 update: A report from the American Heart Association. Retrieved from: e2.full.pdf+html Tierney, P., Hughes, C., & Hamilton, S. (2011). Promoting health behaviour change in the cardiac patient. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 6(3), 126-130.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Juicy Fruit Investigation :: Papers
Juicy Fruit Investigation Aim: To find out if temperature affects the amount of juice the enzyme pectinase releases from an apple. Prediction ========== I predict that the temperature the pectinase will work best in is 30Â ° - 40Â °, I think this will be the temperature the pectinase will be able to break down the most fruit into fruit juice. I do not believe the enzyme will work above 45Â ° as it would become denatured. This is because I know most enzymes (similar to proteins) stop working/get destroyed above this temperature, as they are made up of protein. I also know that the temperature enzymes work best in the body at body temperature; 37Â ° therefore I believe the higher the temperature is without going over 45Â ° the faster the molecules will move and hit the enzyme molecules. An enzyme works when a substrate molecule bumps into a molecule of the correct enzyme, they fit together into a depression on the surface of the enzyme molecule. When this movement takes place the depression is called an 'active site'. A reaction takes place and the substrate products are released separately. Because the substrate molecules are different shapes they will only fit into certain enzymes. When the enzyme reaches a temperature too high it will change shape, therefore the substrate molecule would not fit. When the enzyme reaches a temperature that is low (or lower than 37Â º) the molecules will not move as fast as they will have less energy. This therefore means the enzyme molecules will not hit the substrate molecules as often as they would in a higher temperature meaning less juice will be released. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Enzyme molecule [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Active site [IMAGE] Substrate fits into active site Active site [IMAGE] [IMAGE] A reaction takes place [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Products leave the active site separately Preliminary test:
Hierarchical in organization Essay
The most essential yet fundamental thing to remember with the Japanese in terms of business is their giving significance to personal relationship first before business considerations. Putting enough time and resources for relationship building is necessary for achieving success in business. Japanese business structure is hierarchical in organization with specific roles to perform. Team work and group orientation are ways of life observed in all corporate life at all levels. The Japanese do not really engaged themselves in formal trainings on teambuilding; they are just by nature collectivists that use the consensus approach in all issues of concern. Strength and purpose of any Japanese business organization came from the sense of belongingness. Involvement and commitment in the workplace are based primarily from compromise and collaboration in terms of decision making. Top-down approach, where the flow of information comes from subordinates and forwarded to higher-ups is the Japanese management style. Therefore, the policy is always initiated at the middle management. This approach is advantageous, because everyone in the company took active involvement in the creation of rules and procedures. For the Japanese being a valuable boss is not founded on having strong personality and being influential. Humbleness and non-aspiring must be the maintainable characters of any manager as he climbs the ladder of the hierarchy. A Japanese manager should always be available at all times and ready to contribute his expertise without hesitation to his people. Excellent management and teamwork can be attained through a harmonious employer-employee rapport. In meetings, being punctual is a sign of respect for the Japanese. Although, it is very hard to conclude the finality of a decision in terms of time, because they always think in a consensus style, patience is much needed. Before the start of any meeting, attendees usually talk about non-business topics such as food, hobbies, and health etc to set up the relationship-building process, which is necessary for the success of the business meeting. Wa or harmony is at all times part of any meeting. Debates, confrontations and disagreements are to be avoided, though at time indispensable in searching for a solution. Since reaching a decision should undergo a process of consensus-building plus the conservation of Wa, endurance in time is really important. During serious meeting, bringing in humor is considered out of place. The biggest issue of worry when undertaking business transaction with Japanese is communication difficulties. What Japanese publicly says in words and what he really thinks is often contradictory; that causes trouble and confusion to the non-Japanese in terms of conversation. Troubles in communication is made complex by the reality that few Japanese are good English conversant and foreigners as well do not speak good Japanese. In addition, Japanese people hardly use body language, as they are very motionless and unusual to make feedback. In order to check the situation it is necessary to ask several questions for understanding. To further clearly understand each other, clarification is best to be undertaken in order to make problem-solving and decision-making prompt. Culture in Canada Canada, often referred to as â€Å"nation of nations†, is twice the geographical area of the United States with approximately 30 million people living in it. It was founded by the rich heritage of French and English with combination from non-French and English countries. Canada has two official languages, English and French. The country’s national advantage is its cultural diversity, which is the reason for prohibiting bias against person on the basis of race, color, religion, or gender. Canada takes pleasure in a society that is open and relatively free of class difference. Citizens of the country are proud that all of them enjoy equal rights and respect and dislike remarks that lack respect to anyone coming from a specific background. Canada has the highest per capita level of postsecondary education participation of any industrialized country. The entire universities are publicly funded institutions; however students still shell out for tuition fees. National and provincial support programs are in place to lend a hand to students in postsecondary schooling. Christianity is the primary religion. The principal language in Canada is English. There are however, at least three varieties of French that are acknowledged: Quebecois in Quebec, Franco-Manitoban all the way through Manitoba and for the most part in the St. Boniface area of Winnipeg, and Acadian. The Italian language is the third language in Canada owing to a huge arrival of Italian immigrants after World War 2.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Praise Be To Tyrell: Religion in Blade Runner
â€Å"‘More human than human’ is our motto. †(Scotts, BR) This famous quote, said by the character Tyrell in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, sums up the overall theme of the movie, which is the nature of being human. Blade Runner is Scott’s depiction of what is to become of Earth and how civilization has come to a point where humanity can be questioned. Reality is blurred and the nature of what is human is changing. Replicants appear identical to humans and even have emotions while the real humans appear cold and unemotional. The characters in this film are staged perfectly to compliment their environment as well. Scott uses mise en scene to suggest a vision of the future that is not only a collapsed, technological metropolis, but also a sad, lonely, and overall soulless place. Scott also uses the typical film noir protagonist who is often alone and faces an inner struggle between being a hero and looking out only for himself. Deckard, played by Harrison Ford, is far from a knight in shining armor, in fact, some of his actions might suggest that he isn’t a hero at all. However, in order to understand Scott’s complex film, a closer look is in order. We must look past the basic actions of the characters and focus on rather why they do their actions. One way to do this is by focusing on the films subtle subtext element of its allegorical relationship to Christianity. Throughout the film, it appeared that the analogy between the Bible and events in the movie actually had a relative connection, for example, Tyrell could be seen as God, Roy Batty as Lucifer, and Rachel as â€Å"the biblical wife of Israel in the Old Testament; the mother of a culture that will rule the Earth. †(Romero, 114) Also known as Eve, and Deckard as Adam. Humanity itself is brought up for definition in this film, as the Replicants are in many ways more human than the â€Å"real humans†they are interacting with. These Replicants are artificial organic humanoids which only have five-year life spans, and are banned from Earth. Death is an obsession to the Replicants. This is because although they know that they will die in a few years, they do not know their incept dates, thus not knowing when the clock actually started, or when it will end. Death to the Replicants is represented by their own mortality and the outside personification of the Blade Runners. This could possibly be why they live much more passionately than the human characters. Also, the main Replicant Roy Batty, displays a greater importance to life. Roy, and his loyal followers Oris, Zora, and Leon, are representations of fallen angels. They can be represented by Lucifer in the way that they have been expelled from the earth (much like Lucifer being expelled from heaven), and is obsessed with the same questions of morality. Roy’s angelic side is displayed, however, at the end of the film when he spares Deckard his life. During the scene, Deckard is filmed from a high angle to suggest vulnerability and a lack of understanding, with his eye’s clenched shut as he clings to the building; a keep of blindness to the world around him. With the end near, Roy Batty goes through a change that manifests in the fact that he prevents Deckard from falling to his death and becomes his savior. In fact, as Roy grabs Deckard from the ledge he shouts, â€Å"Ah, kinship! †(Scott, BR) As the two face each other, their proximities become closer. So close in fact, that they fit the frame tightly together. Now the angle of the camera is level, almost like an understanding simply by the two characters sitting eye to eye. As they face each other, Roy seems to come to terms with his own morality and the inevitability of death. Though Roy is put at peace, this shocking and moving scene stirs up questions and thoughts within Deckard’s head. He states, â€Å"I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life – anybody's life; my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die. †(Scott, BR) Thus, Roy Batty has redeemed himself by following in the footsteps of Christ. This is where the nail in the hand begins to make sense, as Roy is in effect attempting to become Christ-like himself. He has also forgiven others as he would have God forgive him in that he saved the man who killed his beloved Pris. As he dies, the white dove he had been holding escapes from his hand and flies up into the sky. Roy’s newly purified soul is now free, and on the way upward to peace and salvation. With evil there must be virtue to counter balance it. In this case, to counter balance Batty’s symbolism of Lucifer, J. F. Sebastian symbolizes Christ in the film. He is the missing link between the Replicants and Tyrell. He is also human in the fact that he was born rather than created, but he has a disease which is quickly killing him, thus he is in a similar predicament that the Replicants face with morality. So the connection can be made that he is a composite of man and Replicant just as Christ was a composite of man and God, and also the fact that as Christ lived among men, J. F. ived among the Replicants. When asked by Pris if he ever gets lonely, J. F. responds, â€Å"Not really. I MAKE friends. They’re toys. My Friends are toys. I make them. It’s a hobby. I’m a genetic designer. †(Scott, BR) Another similarity between Christ and J. F is that Christ attempted to bring humanity to God, and was killed by the very people he attempted to help. J. F also attempted to bring man (Replicants) to their maker, Tyrell, and was murdered for attempting to help. Though J. F. Sebastian’s trust and faith leads him to a gruesome fate, it allows the Replicants to meet their creator. Even the way J. F. and Roy ascend up the elevator to meet Tyrell is symbolical to the ascent into Heaven. The whole experience of meeting Tyrell is parallel to the Old Testament of the Bible. For example, the Replicants were created by Tyrell just as man was made by God and they were each separated from their maker and sent off the world. In Blade Runner the Replicants were sent off to a different planet whereas in the Bible man was banished from the Garden of Eden. Eventually the created begin to seek out the one who had made them, almost as a quest for God, and he does commits several sins in his search for the creator. Through the help of Sebastian, Roy is able to finally come into the presence of his maker, who welcomes him warmly and without reservation. â€Å"I’m surprised you didn’t come here sooner. †(Scott, BR) Tyrell comments as Batty enters his church-like quarters. Tyrell in this scene is a perfect symbol of the New Testament God  slow to anger and quick to forgive. He is happy to throw out the past, and look only at those things which are positive about his children. However, Roy is angered and upset by the presence of Tyrell, and he begins to make demands of the man who created him, much like Lucifer demanded to be in higher power in Heaven. In the end, Roy is like any other man. He is aware of his own mortality, and looks to Tyrell to give him a new lease on life. When he finds that his pleas to Tyrell are not answered he lashes out and rebukes the man who he had thought of as a savior in the past. This is akin to a man who prays faithfully to Heaven for a release from disaster or distress, and loses faith if his condition does not improve. Upon losing faith, Roy also kills the messenger, Sebastian, thereby paralleling the killing of Jesus. After these acts, he returns to the elevator and falls from heaven, returning to the material world as a fallen ngel. Lastly, Deckard and Rachel can be compared with the biblical characters of Adam and Eve. In the Bible, Genesis tells the story of two people, a man named Adam and a woman, who was made from his rib, named Eve. They were placed together in the Garden of Eden and given only one rule, to never eat from the tree of knowledge. Later, Satan, disguised as a serpent, coaxes the two perfect humans to eat an apple from the sacred tree. When Adam and Eve ate the apple, God grew angry and chased them out of the Garden and gave them sin, pain, and imperfections. There is an obvious parallel between the characters in Blade Runner and the biblical references of Eden. However, in Blade Runner the audience is able to see two couples portray Adam and Eve; Deckard and Rachel, and Pris and Roy. The two couples differ in the way that Deckard and Rachel find paradise, whereas Pris and Roy die. Pris and Roy do not find their Paradise at the end of the film because Roy rebelled against Tyrell, his God, in demanding to become immortal. In doing this questionable act, he destroyed any possibility of entering back into the Garden of Eden. Deckard and Rachel, on the other hand, are able to run away and stay alive together, thus â€Å"Deckard escapes ‘into a new Eden with a new Eve, hoping to regain at least a personal paradise. †(Romero, 115) Throughout Blade Runner, the idea of immortality and the desire to be like the creator is quite recurrent. The great strength of Blade Runner was that it successfully dealt with the tenuous nature of human life, and examined what really makes a person human. The film was meticulously crafted, and created a world which was decadent, dirty and yet strangely beautiful. The same can be said of its inhabitants, and maybe of all of us.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Mario and the magician- Cipolla
Thomas Manna's â€Å"Mario and the Magician,†illusion, illness and deformity are only a few of the characteristics used to set the tone of the story. Prior to Cupola's Introduction, the narrator suggests that he should have escaped Tore did Veneer and the fatal Cipolin. At this moment, we have yet to experience the introduction and effects of the true Cipolin; however, we are lead to believe and imagine the worst about Cupola's character based on the narrators comments.Cupola's appearance was obviously quite distinct, like none the narrator had ever seen before, based on his detailed outline of his absurd yet arrogant appearance. Cipolin was described as having: a very distinct noticeable attire, piercing eyes, ravaged face, broken saw- edged teeth, a small waxed moustache, a pointed beard and the utmost unusual hairstyle. He was also subject too very noticeable physical deformity which was described as being awkward and uncommon.Despite Collar's discomfited appearance he was greeted with laughter and anticipation from the majority of the on-lookers who were anxiously awaiting the show. As Collar sat smoking a cigarette, calmly, he scanned the audience hoping to determine their weaknesses and placed, lent, judgment on certain individuals based on knowledge gained from years of experiences as a performer of that nature. After sometime and careful consideration, Cupola's first target was two healthy, strong, young men whom had obviously been chosen based on their brawls features.Their appearances insinuated that, perhaps, they were laborers and not of a learned environment. Cipolin, obviously assuming Just that, chooses them to perform a task that will include writing. When, they cannot complete this task they are ridiculed and mocked because of their inabilities. This was Cupola's initial attempt to demean the audience only to heighten his own esteem. Throughout the story Cipolin demonstrates the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol to sedate hims elf, as well as, the use of his claw handle whip to command immediate attention.He brutally insults the knowledge of the people of Tore did Veneer by claiming them to be ignorant and UN- enlightened. Cipolin also displays anger through is his inability to portray patience and respect when he inflects a young man with unnecessary intestinal pain for defending his community and the people that reside there. There were other acts that followed in sequence; however, the final most memorable attack was against a ell-known respected waiter in Tore did Veneer, Mario. Mario was envisioned as a symbol of physical perfection.He was young, handsome, well respected and of gentle nature, especially to the children of the area. While Moral was on stage, Collar humiliates him in front of Sylvester, a pretty young girl, whom Moral admires. This humiliation continues when, under Collar's control, Moral Is Instructed to kiss Collar on the cheek. Moral Is mortified because of Collar's choice or method of ruled was taken too far; thus, resulting In Moral shooting and killing Collar. Some live that Mario might have over-reacted as a result of his humiliation, but perhaps he TLD.Cupola's Insecurities with himself, due to his deformities, caused him to find comfort in diminishing the self esteem of others by humiliation. The fact, that Cipolin drank excessively and used a whip to command attention during his characteristics. Cipolin tested the strength of numerous individuals and used his hypnotic abilities to hide his true intentions and emotional insecurities. Cipolin was a very unhappy person whose fate was expected to eventually end unfavorable.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Glendun river fieldwork report CCEA
The aim of my fieldwork is to study how a river's dynamics change downstream. Specifically I shall be looking at how particle size, discharge, cross sectional area, velocity, gradient and width change downstream. Planning To give a clear aim to my investigation I have decided to prove or disprove three hypotheses. These are based on the ideal river model and they are: * Downstream discharge will increase * Downstream particle size will decrease * Downstream the gradient of the river will decrease As a class we decided that the Glendun River was an appropriate river to study since its length facilitates for a noticeable change in results between its source and its mouth. The river is also only an hour's driving time from our school and the river has relatively easy access. It also has minimum human interference which could corrupt our data. This location has also been used in past river studies by our school and no safety problems arose in the past. We also discussed the possible safety issues that we should be aware of such as Weil's disease, slippery rocks and pot holes in the river. We then ensured that a first aid kit was brought with us as well as mobile phones in case of an emergency and that appropriate clothing was worn. Also everyone was made aware of what procedures to follow in an emergency. The week before the fieldtrip we conducted a small pilot study in a small stream in the grounds of our school where we tested each piece of equipment to make sure it functioned correctly. We discovered that our flow metre was faulty so we decided to instead to time how long it took for an object to cover a stretch of river. We decided to use an orange since it is buoyant and brightly coloured and to use a 10 metre stretch of river since we are using it for other measurements and it is long enough to give reliable results. Also on the week before of our teachers went down to the river on a pre-site visit to check that all of our pre-determined sites were viable to use. She concluded that all our sites were practical to use in our investigation. Data Collection: Collected on Thursday 25th October The primary data used in this investigation is the results we took down on the fieldtrip. The secondary data sources we are going to use are the internet, our class notes and handouts, the David Wough AS level textbook and the Ordnance survey map. The type of sampling used on the fieldtrip was systematic; the sites chosen to investigate were 1.3km apart. Pragmatic sampling would have to have been used in the event that one of the pre defined sites proved to be inaccessible on the day; none of which were. Particle Size Particle size was recorded at each stop by two people measuring the longest axis of 30 stones from the river bed while a third person recorded the results. The average of the lengths was taken for each stop. The equipment used was a metre ruler. Cross Sectional Area The width of the river was measured by two people with a measuring tape at either side of the river. The depth was then recorded by another person with a metre stick taking measurements from the measuring tape to the riverbed in increments of 0.5 metres until the whole width of the river was recorded and then an average depth was calculated from these results. The cross sectional area was then worked out by multiplying the average depth by the average width. Velocity A ten metre stretch of the river was measured with the tape measure. An orange was dropped at the upstream end and a stopwatch was used to record the time taken for the orange to travel the ten metre stretch. This was repeated three times and an average taken. If the orange got stuck that particular attempt would be scrapped and then it would be carried out again. Gradient The gradient of the river was calculated with an abney level and a gauging pole. We used the same ten metre marking used when we measured velocity. We took three readings along the ten metre width and calculated the average gradient from them. Discharge The discharge of the river was worked out by multiplying the average velocity and the average cross sectional area found at each site to give the discharge.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Based on Tesco Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Based on Tesco - Assignment Example A motivated workforce results in increased performance, thus an improvement of the firm’s profitability. Therefore, Tesco may motivate its staff by way of providing monetary rewards, non-financial rewards, training, and development. Training is of increasing significance of firms seeking to gain competitive advantage amongst the competitors. Various schools of thought have come to a conclusion that training and development is a human resource practice that may considerably influence the success of a company. Tesco’s growth could be improved by use of on the job-training, mentorship programs, coaching programs, use online marketing tools, and evaluating the effectiveness of the training and development programs. The other element that can affect the performance of a firm is reward. The provision of financial and non-financial rewards impact positively on the firm’s performance, financial gain, and employee motivation, and job satisfaction. Both the monetary incent ives and non-monetary benefits, such as work-life balance, flexible working hours, rewards and recognition, leave, and vacation time not only motivate employees, but also staff turnover. As a result, there is proportionate correlation between rewards, training, learning, and development, with firm performance and growth. The universal competition and rapid changes put emphasis on the significance of human capital within a firm. An organisation’s success depends on the performance of the employees. Employees are considered as essential resources in the growth and development of the firm. In this regard, the success and growth of an organisation in any industry is reliant on its human resources. Even though there are numerous factors that play a major role, a firm needs to have effective employees in order to stay competitive and financially solvent. Motivation and satisfaction are viewed as the core element in the development of human capital in any
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